triplegold said:
see im talkin about cats like you jay eminem quotes..
Cats like me? Yea, I'm a cracker. I'm from fucking Louisville KY. Born on the east coast in Va Beach. Nice spelling on my name by the way. Dickface.
Think about what you are saying. You are saying that because I listen to an artist it makes them not real. THINK ABOUT HOW GAY YOU ARE REALLY.
Just because you are from the hood "which I doubt" don't mean you can whoop my ass at all. It doesn't make you any harder than me. I don't give a fuck if you had the first homicide in the history of compton, your shit still stinks and I'll rip your nose off and stick it up your ass so you can smell it. "Thanks Tech"
And what about my Eminem quotes. Read em.....they are two clean ass fuckin lines. I don't give a fuck if the person that spit them is white, black, blue, or pink (well maybe thats goin to far) THE LINES ARE TIGHT.
Face it man, youre a fuckface and no one likes you. Go jump out a project window.