Human ass dog

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Jun 4, 2004
H.A.D. has filed his first lawsuit... it's official..

Dec 03, 2008

Cease and Desist Order

Attn: SouthernComfort

Re: Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval Trademark

Dear SouthernComfort:

It has been brought to our attention that you, SouthernComfort, have been using the trademark Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval in association with your online account at It is possible that you were unaware of this conflict, so we believe that it is in our mutual interest to bring this matter to your attention.

Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval is a registered trademark (U.S. Reg. No. 707530916) of our business, H.A.D. International (copy enclosed).

Our federal registration of this trademark provides us with certain proprietary rights. This includes the right to restrict the use of the trademark, or a confusingly similar trademark, in association with confusingly similar products or services.

It is important that we exercise our right to protect our trademark. It serves as an important and distinctive representation of the origin of our products as well as the goodwill of our company.

State and federal law supports our position that confusingly similar trademarks may cause confusion among customers. This confusion may cause substantial harm to the trademark by facilitating the loss of its effectiveness in establishing a distinct association between it, our products and services, and our company's goodwill.

Due to these concerns, and because unauthorized use of our federally registered trademark amounts to an infringement of our trademark rights, we respectively request that you cease and desist in any further use of Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval in association with the marketing, sale, distribution, or identification of your products, or services.

Please respond by letter: indicating your intention to cease and desist the use of the trademark Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval, or any confusingly similar trademark, within ten (10) calendar days.

We hope that this issue may be resolved this way so we can avoid any further legal remedies as provided by state law and the U.S. Trademark Act.


Human Ass Dog

Jul 12, 2002
H.A.D. has filed his first lawsuit... it's official..

Dec 03, 2008

Cease and Desist Order

Attn: SouthernComfort

Re: Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval Trademark

Dear SouthernComfort:

It has been brought to our attention that you, SouthernComfort, have been using the trademark Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval in association with your online account at It is possible that you were unaware of this conflict, so we believe that it is in our mutual interest to bring this matter to your attention.

Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval is a registered trademark (U.S. Reg. No. 707530916) of our business, H.A.D. International (copy enclosed).

Our federal registration of this trademark provides us with certain proprietary rights. This includes the right to restrict the use of the trademark, or a confusingly similar trademark, in association with confusingly similar products or services.

It is important that we exercise our right to protect our trademark. It serves as an important and distinctive representation of the origin of our products as well as the goodwill of our company.

State and federal law supports our position that confusingly similar trademarks may cause confusion among customers. This confusion may cause substantial harm to the trademark by facilitating the loss of its effectiveness in establishing a distinct association between it, our products and services, and our company's goodwill.

Due to these concerns, and because unauthorized use of our federally registered trademark amounts to an infringement of our trademark rights, we respectively request that you cease and desist in any further use of Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval in association with the marketing, sale, distribution, or identification of your products, or services.

Please respond by letter: indicating your intention to cease and desist the use of the trademark Human Ass Dog Stamp of Approval, or any confusingly similar trademark, within ten (10) calendar days.

We hope that this issue may be resolved this way so we can avoid any further legal remedies as provided by state law and the U.S. Trademark Act.


Human Ass Dog

Human Ass Dog got his business game in check. Take notes, the HAD is on top of thangs.
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