I could only see a riot if Obama won, but they pulled it from him due to some loophole. And i'd be right in best Buy getting me an HDTV right in time for Christmas.
What you guys think? I think shit might crack off like sporting championships do for cities. Mini riots n shit. We all know this shit is about RACE. It's a win for all minority groups IMO.
lol...slam alchohol?...i drink way more than all my black homies, but they do smoke way more weed than i can....and they suck at poppin painkillers "im not feelin so good man, i need to smoke a blunt"
lol...slam alchohol?...i drink way more than all my black homies, but they do smoke way more weed than i can....and they suck at poppin painkillers "im not feelin so good man, i need to smoke a blunt"