How Unfortunate, US troops death tolls surpasses that of 9/11 casualties.

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May 13, 2002
Below are some facts about the costs of the wars in iraq and afghanistan in treasure and lives for the US. Absent is the tremendous costs to the Iraqi's which includes hundreds and thousands of innocent iraqis ground up in the US war machine and foreign policy.

(Reuters) - The number of U.S. troops who have died in Iraq reached
3,000, according to the Web site on Sunday.

Following are some facts about what the conflict has cost the United

-- Length of conflict: 3 years, 287 days

-- Dead: 3,000

-- Wounded: 22,057

-- Deployed: 134,000

-- Percent of deployed troops who are members of the military reserves
or National Guard: 16 percent

-- Reservists mobilized in support of ongoing military operations since
2001, according to September 2006 GAO report: more than 500,000.

-- Financial cost: An estimated $549 billion on Iraq and Afghanistan
combined by the end of the 2007 fiscal year.

-- Five states with highest death tolls: California, Texas,
Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio.

Sources: news reports/
/Congressional Research Service/Government Accountability Office


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
2-0-Sixx said:
Below are some facts about the costs of the wars in iraq and afghanistan in treasure and lives for the US. Absent is the tremendous costs to the Iraqi's which includes hundreds and thousands of innocent iraqis ground up in the US war machine and foreign policy.

(Reuters) - The number of U.S. troops who have died in Iraq reached
3,000, according to the Web site on Sunday.

Following are some facts about what the conflict has cost the United

-- Length of conflict: 3 years, 287 days

-- Dead: 3,000

-- Wounded: 22,057

-- Deployed: 134,000

-- Percent of deployed troops who are members of the military reserves
or National Guard: 16 percent

-- Reservists mobilized in support of ongoing military operations since
2001, according to September 2006 GAO report: more than 500,000.

-- Financial cost: An estimated $549 billion on Iraq and Afghanistan
combined by the end of the 2007 fiscal year.

-- Five states with highest death tolls: California, Texas,
Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio.

Sources: news reports/
/Congressional Research Service/Government Accountability Office
interesting, I would've guessed new york, but california? well it makes sense since its one of the largest & most populated states....

the sad thing about all this is that the US isn't really being affected by all this. yes we have troops out there and yes they're getting injured & killed, but for the most part if you don't have a direct connection with the war it just doesn't get involved in your everyday activities. there are people who can't walk outside without fear of dying by gunfire while I'm walking to the store for more swishers (bad analogy with me living in oakland, but you get the idea)


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
u guys need to remember these are battlefield deaths.. if a soldier is shot and carried off to the hospital or germany and dies, then its not counted


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
yup yup.. same numbers game they played in vietnam.. lol no lie,,back then if they could bring back at least a quarter end of a helicopters tail, they didnt have to count it as destroyed either


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
nhojsmith said:
admit it, many of you in the kingdoms of your mind internally applaud these deaths because you know they support your cause, which is to bring an end to this war, and some of you even would prefer a "defeat" to "victory".
If a removal of our presence as an occupying force in a region we have no buisness being in is interpeted to you as a defeat then i would like for you to explain to me what a victory in iraq is.. the increase of troops is not going to help hand over control.. they are not ready for a democratic process, they are a tribal land where religion is law and we have no authority to implant a governmental process into their lives..

nhojsmith said:
to which i ask again, under what circumstances would you support war?
if we, our soil, were being invaded, by foreign soldiers id be the first to pick up a strap and go fight the frontlines myself because the battlefield would be home..


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
nhojsmith said:
ok there is victory or defeat, by saying that we cannot achieve victory you are admitting defeat, so yes anyway you like to soften it up, you prefer defeat in this situation.
i can punch a concreate wall until it succumbs to my strength..... but the odds are that id break my hand first... if i stopped punching that wall is that a deafeat? or a wise decision?

nhojsmith said:
from what you are saying, you opposed the war from the beginning making your opinion on how matters are handled in this war irrelavent.
on the contrary.. i am american and have the right to voice my opinion on any of our leaders who spill blood in my name..
nhojsmith said:
victory in iraq is establishing a lasting democracy this is not something that is going to occur at some predetermined time, thats something you dont care to consider.
they dont want democracy.. it does not work for a region divided by tribes..

nhojsmith said:
and from your response that you would only enter war as a reaction to invasion, its seems fruitless to discuss an idea such as preemptive war in iraq with you.
of course you would think its fruitless to discuss it with me...i will constantly remind you that a pre-emptive war would only be justified if we were faced with a threat... which IRAQ posed none..
Aug 15, 2003
Thats a sad post, but thanks stockton.

I always thought this war was justified threw the way 9/11 made the whole country feel. That Iraq(which we was told threw the Nato meetings) was building an armory of nuclear and chemical weapons and fourfronting al-queda. But now that i learned more about these people i found that i was wrong, but riddle me this where are relations bought but not sold. We had to pay over 100 billion dollars for a dictator and free goverment. Most americans would give there president for a value meal. I love this country but hate its wars now that i know one. good posts though.



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
More Americans need to die, it's good for our country. Population control or somethin like that...Plus, with the amount of Iraqi's the US armed forces have killed, there's no comparison to the US troops...oh, 3-5,000 troops died? NO SHIT, IT'S FUCKING WAR! It's almost like people expected the US to go to Iraq, change things, and then come home with things all peachy keen, and anyone thinking that, should be shot in the face. And when the troops do leave, if they do, shit will get worse or go back to how it was. We should have fuckin stayed out of there in the first place, but now that we're there, WE ARE FUCKED.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
nhojsmith said:
i didnt mean to offend you and say you opinion didnt matter in this, or course you have the right to your own opinion. to clarify, if i knew a person hated roller coasters, it would be stupid for me to ask them their opinion of a particular roller coaster...
you didnt offend me..
nhojsmith said:
now we are getting somewhere, you say that preemptive war may be justified if we are faced with a ill ask this question, im not trying to argue with you, just to open a dialogue....
im not argueing.. just stating an opinion :)
nhojsmith said:
so lets say the US supports israel under every circumstance, do you think this could be percieved as an act of aggression by the US. if yes, then would countries in the middle east would be justified in taking action against the US?

basically im of the opinion that we shouldnt support israle, but we do, and i dont think this will be changed so i must now think whats best given our current situation. was invading iraq the best thing? no. is trying to create allied governments in the middle east where we are already not welcome because of our uspport israel something i want given our current predicament? yes.
my question would be why would we provoke a situation by being in a place where we are not wanted..what are our intrests out there if they aren't money related? i may be reading it wrong but it seems like your using doublespeak.. was invading iraq bad? yes..but 'creating' allied governments in the middle east.. good..?????????