How Often Do You Drink?

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Oct 25, 2011
One day, i just stopped drinking. Its not that i DONT drink, i just have no REASON to. If i gi to dinner with some friends, i may have a beer or a whiskey..but that is so far and few between.

I have had a beer in my fridge now since October. I have no desire to drink it.

You just took the words right out of my mouth, down to the beer in my fridge since October

I drink a handful of times per year, usually beer during nascar season & BBQing in the summer & crown when I'm out.

With that said I have had more crown in these past 8 months than I have in the past 2 years.


Oct 25, 2011
Diggity should be a religious version of the Scumbag Steve meme

Brags about how hard and gangster his hometown is/condemns people who drink alcohol as heathens
I know everyone likes to clown on Coach E. No @Coach E. No ...but I read his posts, I am just curious where his holier than thou was?

where did he condemn anyone who drinks? ...or call them heathens?

or did i just get trolled by a bunch of alcoholics? lol

Most alcohol I've had in one day was when I was like 3 years old and someone had wine in a plastic cup and I thought it was Sprite. I took it to the dome and then that after taste kicked in and I obviously realized it wasn't Sprite. Other than that, I had like a 1/3 of a beer when I was 11 years old. I haven't drank at all other than those 2 times in my life.
It's funny to me how many people could say they drink too much, have done stupid stuff (to put it lightly) because they were drunk, blacked out because they were drunk, etc... yet you say some stuff like that about me for not drinking. I don't need a dependency on a substance to make me feel better or feel better about myself and seen way too many stupid things on the behalf of liquor. To each their own though. You reap what you sow.
He did, but there was no history of Him ever being drunk. He commanded to not get drunk in fact. I didn't say all drinking was bad but as you take in more spirits, the less you have control of yourself and you enter potentially dangerous territory.
I KNEW you were going to say that you hypocrite. You're the one judging me for not drinking! I'm not condemning you for drinking but Jesus did say "do not become drunk with wine." What you do is up to you, I don't care about you or your life but you're judging me far more than I'm judging anyone.
I'm not throwing it at people. Look at the history of the posts. I said I don't drink and my history with it. Look at the responses. All I did was respond to those people. I don't know now I could be more clear, I am not condemning anyone for drinking. I don't care or know anyone personally here.
Feb 11, 2006
I'll probably get blasted for even giving you props for that but that made me laugh pretty hard.
Yo im serious...

Trying to get any sort of sense from someone who is drunk is impossible,I dont really drink so when Im around people that get hammered I gots to Bounce..I cant stand fools that be stumbling,slurring words and all dst other drunken shit..
May 3, 2002
Since me and my ex broke up a year and a half ago I drink the majority of the time, I don't get wasted just a few beers on most days, but there are days where I put down more than I know I should have. I didn't drink as much when I was in a relationship because we were always busy, now I drink because I live an hour outside the city and I claim boredom to be the reason.

I have a buddy who drinks all the damn time, sometimes in the morning on his way to work and he even sometimes will get a cup from the gas station and put a beer inside and do his shopping while drinking, I couldn't fathom doing such a thing, I will no drink until I do everything I need to do, because once I start drinking minimal tasks will be completed.

I could never fathom drinking in the morning, but I recently started working the night shift which I have never done before, and I get home around 7AM and have a beer or two when I get home, shit feels weird but I do get buzzed a lot faster.