I am an audio school graduate, I spent 14 grand and all i got was a lousy t-shirt. I was supposed to get internship placement from the school, that shit never happened. Had bills had to get a real job after waiting by the phone for 2 months for the schools internship department to place me somewhere in which they never delivered. Those schools are pretty much in business to churn out free labor to NY LA and Nashville studios. These schools will tell you anything you want to hear to get you in then the harsh reality sets in when you start attending classes. By no means was I a burn out I got out of my school with a 3.5 GPA and had perfect attendance, I was fucked.
The pro tools certifications aren't anything special you would walk out with the same knowledge of that program if you bought the shit from guitar center and you got the free training they offer. Out of the people in my class after 3 years only a handful of them are still in the industry and they aren't big time or anything. I know one guy who landed a job at Apple because he got a logic certification he probably ended up better than anyone else i know that went there while I was there, that cert was probably the toughest one to obtain there and it was volentary. Most of them including myself couldnt afford to be a studio slave and had to get a real job, its a harsh reality.
I'm just saying from an educational investment standpoint it is a really bad idea, I wish I spent all that student loan money on a real degree i can use in the real world. If the shit don't pan out no one will take whatever degree or certificate you obtained seriously. It is a big gamble if you decide to persue that path, you basically spend all that money and bust your ass to maybe get an unpaid internship MAYBE. The people who do make it are the folks who really really want it more than life itself and are willing to sacrifice everything in life to make it happen and still only about one out of 100 of those guys make it past their first couple of years. it is a real big risk.
Honestly If you are serious I'd spend the money you would have spent on school on gear and books considering you are gonna spend anywhere between 15-80 thousand dollars on this type of education. My homie spent way less going to SJSU for 4 years than my one year at cras and hes making over 100 grand a year. You do the math. I'm currently going back to school going after a real degree that i should have done in the first place.