how many "one on ones" have you been in???

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Jun 10, 2002
in lockford too, no?

Are you sure its jui jitsu? I thought it was somethin like grappling or shootfighting, I could be wrong though.
Aug 20, 2003
I just got into a scrap the other day with muthafucka tryin to grab me and shit, I just punched over his arms sraight to the dome. Stupid fuck TRIED to kick me in the BALLS, I hauled off kicked the son of a bitch square in the nutz, then a left hook. it was over after that
May 16, 2002

Mostly with my older brother tho. I'm a pretty small guy so I have to use my brain alot more. But when big brother starts layin the smack down you gotta mothafuckin fight, cuz words don't be stoppin no punches. You can say "stop" everytime you get clocked and continue to get your ass whooped, or you can start throwin down and learn how to fight as good as you spit insults.

That adrenaline shit is true tho, you don't feel shit, but you also don't feel shit when you get knocked out either, so don't be depending on that shit when you get into a fight. lol.

To me fightin is always a last option, but it is also always an option.

I think the outcome of a fight is determined by who wants to win more. That's why I'll never win a fight with my older brother, cuz I respect his ass. Even tho he be gettin me hella pissed sometimes, he's still my brother, and to get your ass whipped by little brother jus ain't cool for the self-esteem. But it's alright vice-versa cuz little brother always gets his ass whipped. That's how it works in my family at least. I think it would be different tho if my brother ultimately wasn't a good guy, but since he is it's all good.

I ain't been in a one on one fight with another person tho for like two years. I'm an extremely passive person. But if I feel like I was disrespected for no good reason then it's on, cuz I ain't no punk. And when I do fight, I fight hard, cuz pretty much everybody for the rest of my life that I get into an altercation with is gonna be physically bigger then me so it leaves me with the option of either beatin the fuck outta somebody til they can't retaliate, or catch one hell of an ass whoopin from a homeskillet twice my size.

It's like cornered animal syndrome. So don't confuse it with lil man syndrome. I don't walk around claiming I can beat everybody's ass or like I got somethin to prove. Cuz I can't and I don't. It's more like what I have to do, or am forced to do.

You have to be very careful on how you carry yourself in any given situation. If you create a challenging air about you, people who live with the primal alpha male syndrome will percieve you as a threat to thier manhood and will wanna challenge you. On the other hand if you create a submissive air about you, you will be an easy target for people with low self-esteem. The best bet in a situation your comfortable in is to just be the cool guy, you know the one where everybody's like, "oh, that dudes hella cool", and in a situation where your not comfortable in it's best to be invisible, you know the, "damn I didn't even see you there potna."
This will keep you out of uneccessary drama and bullshit, yet you'll still be up in the mix.

"Often seen but seldom heard." = defensive

"Often heard but seldom seen." = offensive
Jul 24, 2002
mcell said:
in lockford too, no?

Are you sure its jui jitsu? I thought it was somethin like grappling or shootfighting, I could be wrong though.
He started out as a shoot fighter, then trained with the Gracies.
He also added some stand up fighting to his arsenal.
So he pretty much does it all.
Jul 24, 2002
I just got into a scrap the other day with muthafucka tryin to grab me and shit, I just punched over his arms sraight to the dome. Stupid fuck TRIED to kick me in the BALLS, I hauled off kicked the son of a bitch square in the nutz, then a left hook. it was over after that
Yeah every fucker who starts clinching deserves to get kicked in the nuts.


Sicc OG
May 18, 2002
I have only been in two.I dont remember it hurting , I got socked right in the face and I was so pissed that I just attacked and kept on until 3 guys pulled me off of one. I blank out when I fight so I just remember the very begining and the end of it. I dont recall it being how I imagined , if I ever imagined it.

got down w/ my sister plenty of times and she never got hits in.
May 12, 2002
yeah it always hurts the next day. I wrestle too, i dont punch much. Last one on one i was in i had my tounge between my teeth when i got sucker punched so after the fight when we went to eat doughnuts it burnt the shit out of my tounge cut. But it was fun, i was still bloody.


Sicc OG
Nov 8, 2002

I've been in more than 2 dozen one on one's.
And atleast that many two or more on one's on both sides.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
a kid tried to fight me one time, and he was drunk, and it was never ending, cuz i was sober, and he was about 6 5, 280, and im about 5 8, 180. he head butted me, kicked me face with my shirt over my head while i was on the ground, all cuz some other kid was gonna give him a gram of weed. i only ended up with a red scrape from the kick, on my forehead. he ended up with twenty-two stitches after i threw a brick at him.