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Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Are you a writer,rapper or a singer?
Intermediate Writer/Rapper, Beginner Producer/DJ......Aspiring singer :classic:

1.QUESTION WHY DO YOU SING OR RAP? What is your purpose?
So that maybe, one day, little Joao and Maria can go to a concert in Brazil, and hear rapping in THEIR OWN LANGUAGE! Its funny to me when people tell me that studying languages is a waste of time....then they dont realize that there's more than just ONE country with 150 million people! All countries love music..some countries have rappers...but i'd guess that 99% of the rap they listen to is in ENGLISH! How boring!

So basically.....rap is worldwide...but its mostly ENGLISH rap. I want to get to the point where i do a show in Brazil, and i rap five of my tracks in Portugese, and then after that show, i fly to Mexico City, and do 6 tracks in Spanish....ya dig?

In my belief, rap is the ONLY kind of music that has a chance to be a universal, world-wide form of music!! So im trying to lead the multi-language rap revolution, or at least, be a major part of it!

2.Is it a hobbie or do you plan on it being your life.
Hobby for now...something i do in my spare time, and CONSIDER doing full-time. I see it kind of like how college players dont get paid SQUAT, then they sign multi-million dollar deals after they're drafted! If my services are TRULY valuable and worth someone else's funding (aka $$$), then i should have NO PROBLEM with not getting paid JACK SHIT for the next 3-4 years while i grind my azz off, and make songs that I WANT TO MAKE, rather than trying to please other labels....fuck that!

Also who do you think could help you and how could they help you achieve the goals that you have set.?
-- Non-artists & DJ's could help me by downloading all of my tracks, and bootlegging my shit, lol....i see things sorta like how canibus sees them: "As long as you've got my cd in your cd player, really, i don't care HOW it got there!!"

-- Rappers can help me by doing songs with me...just holla @ me. Im sittin on PLENTY of verses, alot of them are just 'singles', if you will, and arent meant for any certain song...PERFECT for guest appearances, collaborations, etc. The 1-digit price tag aint a bad one either! (Again...refer to my "hobby or career" paragraph. Colleges make MILLIONS off players that dont ever see a DIME, but once its NBA time..they make it all back, PLUS more, ya schmell me?)

-- Producers can help me by gathering up all their tracks that either a) they dont like, or b) their artists are too whiny to use...and let me flip em. Verse-for-beat trade...make it happen! I have somethin for my album with your name on it; you have something for your artist or your compilation with my name on money involved. Money pays the bills...true...and you can save yourself $400 right there by hiring an 'intern' instead of an overpaid employee!

-- CEO's can help me by feeling my shit, even if they're just faking it! Just sit there and say " sure some fucked up group of kids in Ohio might like this!! Its worth a chance!", and then try to get me on a project or two (See above paragraphs).

-- Sick Wid It can help me by not making fun of me anymore. It hurts more than i realized. :( Please refrain! Thank u!

And what could your peers and your rap community, loyal rap fans do to help you as an artist get recognized.Besides attending shows and buying your cd?
Didnt i already do this one? Grrr....

Label: N/A-- Not for now!
Group: FourPlay Studio
My Stage Name(s): Tadou, Ghastly, Grizz, MC Travis, Gangsta Larry...& others!
Upcoming releases: FourPlay Studio - Vol. 1 LP (Complete)
FourPlay Studio - Vol. 2 LP (Nearly Complete)
(?)Tadou - EP/LP (I'm thinkin' about it...)
City: Aberdeen, WA (~75 miles from Tacoma)

That about it.....
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Ima comment on a few things first...then ill do me...

tadou said:
OOH! :eek: Mothafucka said "Underlaps"...!!! Damn...good shit! (p.s. you done any overlaps or double up's yet? :classic: )
Well, Ive just recently started to familiarize myself with the I might not be using the term "underlap" correctly. When I think underlap, I think of Jadakiss or Styles...the first rhyme of a line ends before the bar does, so the phrase that rhymes off it begins before the second bar does. Example (slash mark where the bar ends): "Harlem world be the place-of-my-birth...believe me son/ we breed the smoothest niggas on the face-of-the-earth" (Big L)
Thats what an underlap is, right? If so, Im guessing an overlap is where the first rhyme goes PAST the first bar and into the beginning of the second? And explain double up's to me.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Damn, i usually get clowned when i talk about stuff like that cuz nobody else understands! heheheh.....usually, I just make up my own phrases, by the way, lol....but most of em make sense to me...

Underlap...exactly what you said...

Overlap would be like..."Its like im measurin the streets...the way i got my thumb on the block/ flow is tight like a bundle of socks!" you got the idea down, its basically the opposite of the other one....the first line has an extra "part" to it, and the second line balances it out!

the "Double Up", as i would call it, is the one that Lox does alot of........:
--1- "When it comes to spittin flows, if i had a bottle of water...
--2- I could probably rip tracks for days...
--3- And if you cant means that you're slow in the head
--4- And you should probably quit rap, like mase!"
Basically, its 2 rhymes that take 4 lines to complete.....PERFECT for when you're first starting to freestyle, but you're not quite "flowing" yet....ya dig?

Some people didnt really understand the track i did "Eyes Closed No Pulse" (*ahem**ahem*) and said that i was "offbeat" or didnt have my flow down or whatever.....i was just mixin up a bunch of stuff like this :classic:

"Tossin my it low-C, im lo-key/
hangin in the cut wit mo cheese than a kraft factory/
Im killin ya faculty if they ever thought of blastin me/
Im hater proof, a half an instant/
Blaze you with a half sentence...grabbin ya toast/
Must be stupid think you touchin a ghost!" -- 1,2,3 are a 2-3-2...remember when i was talking about that before, and couldnt come up with a good example? heheheh........4,5,6 starts with a switch-up on 4, then ends with a wrap-around on 5-6....see what i mean?

People wonder why i dont have albums out by too busy fuckin around with stuff like this, heheheh....ill get it all balanced out of these days :cool:
Apr 26, 2002
Mischief Records


I'm a rapper and believe me music runs deep into my soul. Some rap for fun, some rap to fit in, some rap to act and feel hard, but I rap because I feel it, its in my blood and I truelly believe that. Sometimes I'll write a verse and become so intense that I just wanna scream and let go of everything I hold inside. I'm not saying that I'm the only one who feels like that but I see myself different from other rappers. I dont talk about pulling out straps and shooting "gats", that aint me. I'm not from the fucking hood, I'm from SHORELINE. And I dont care if somebody is gonna judge me based on the fact that I didn't grow up strugglin the same way they did. REALITY CHECK : We all struggle, whether its issues regarding money, losing loved ones, homelesness, relationship problems, or being just plane dead broke. FUCK IT we're all human. I'll be the first one to admit that my parents support me through everything I do, and have givin me alot of things to help me accomplish my goals. BUT PEEP THIS: I dont take from anyone, I give back to all my homeboys and family because I know what it feels like to want something and not be able to have it. If your boy is hungy, get em some food, if your boy is broke, give em some money. I'll do it because I feel its right not because I'm their bitch. I I talk %100 from my heart. I'm dedicated to my music %110. I live for music, and I am no TADOU. "MUSIC IS MY LIFE NOT A HOBBIE" my goal is to be heard, just like my boy Y.V. and MO-X, we on the same level when it comes to that. Plus set aside all that shit about where you from, in the end it comes down to one thing. Dedication........Anything is possible it's our job to make things happen.

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
mo-x said:

I was thinking about that too, and if you can't get remote access into there database, then you could either break into the building or get a job at BDS or get a job doing janitorialy services, or break bread with the janitor (or security guards) and have them give you access to the building. Either way, you've got access to a terminal, and with a pretty proficient level of skill you could easily penetrate whatever security is protecting the database and add new records and then doctor the logs so that you were never there. I'm just saying it would be a pretty cool hack to pull off. Because if you were on the lists, you would get a shitload of air play before they figure out they got owned and if your song is good enough it will continue to get airplay as people will call in and request your song. So Sarkastik & Crytical over a D-Sane beat with a little help from Mo-X might just blow that song right the fuck up. But then again, we are discussing this over the public airwaves and I could never partake in such a juvenile act.

Let's make it happen!

And let's "own" Soundscan while we're at it! :classic:
Apr 25, 2002
1.What is your purpose? >
Yeah i rap,my purpose?To make heads nod and have a good time while gettin' paid!!!
2.Is it a hobbie or do you plan on it being your life.
Being my life???>Naw,but i'm hoping to make my LIV-ING on it.
3.Also who do you think could help you and how could they help you achieve the goals that you have set.?>First,myself....then D-Sane,lol.Maybe even you Krime,need a guest spot on any tracks???The more artists that feature me on tracks untill i am able to either get on a label or put my own album out myself or both at the same time....the better..anyone who did this would be gettin' a free cameo for now,it's all for exposure...unless ofcourse it gets air play...then,i want my money,mu'fucka.

4.And what could your peers and your rap community, loyal rap fans do to help you as an artist get recognized.Besides attending shows and buying your cd?>Promote me,keep my name in there mouth( in a positive sense)...keep faith in me,like my potna kaoz206,thats' a real fan right there and a damn good promoter..we need more kaoz206'
@@IF YOU ARE AN ARTIST POST UP YOUR LABEL GROUP OR STAGE NAME AND YOUR UP COMING RELEASES AND CITY. Stage Name:Mr.Villain Label:we'll see soon enough upcoming release:solo debut City:Seattle...currently Portland,or..also have resided in phoenix,AZ & Riverside, i'm sattelite hustlin'!!!Resume:Worst Of the WOrst(on MO-X & Li'l G's future *HIT* album),F.T.S. first realeases(solos:BlockMonsta,Survivin' the Game,Another Day in the 206)................always down to do tracks.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002

206RIDAH said:
I live for music, and I am no TADOU. "MUSIC IS MY LIFE NOT A HOBBIE" my goal is to be heard, just like my boy Y.V. and MO-X
First of all, "keep my name out of your mouth, and we could keep it the same" could never be me, by the way.

2nd, im not naive enough to call Music my life; i'm not going to college to impress Universal, and im not learning Portugese to help buy myself a Mo-Phatt. Besides all that, ive probably got more verses written than you could shake a stick at, but we wont go that route....

Basically...make your points...and leave my name out of your mouth, ESPECIALLY when you dont even bother to read what i say, which CLEARLY explained why music is a hobby and not my life, right now.

Good day.

Villain: Im workin on a track right now that i want you to hop on....lemme find a beat first, then ill holla back with some details.....
Apr 26, 2002
@ Tadou

Shut your mouth lil boy, your not on the same level as me by a long shot. I'm not saying that I'm better than everyone and I refuse to let this internet shit cut my name down. ALSO I dont give a damm if you got boxes of versus cuz guess what! I do to and that "DOESN'T MEAN SHIT". WOOP D' FUCKING DOOO. You've got versus written, CONGRADUFUCKINLATIONS.

It doesnt matter.

All I'm saying is that when I say I'm gonna do something I'm gonna do it. If I am going to dedicate my life to music %110 believe I'll do it.

My think of shit like this "An undetermined mind is determined to fail."

Do your thang. Be the best you can be. I'm not saying you wont amount to shit. But in the past you have showed alot of people throughout this board that your full of shit. HEY YOUR RECORDING. Good for you. KEEP IT UP AND CONTINUE WHAT YOUR DOING.

ENOUGH SAID...........


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002

206RIDAH said:
BUT PEEP THIS: I dont take from anyone, I give back to all my homeboys and family because I know what it feels like to want something and not be able to have it. If your boy is hungy, get em some food, if your boy is broke, give em some money.

very're a generous mu'fucka....:)


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
206RIDAH said:
All I'm saying is that when I say I'm gonna do something I'm gonna do it. If I am going to dedicate my life to music %110 believe I'll do it.

My think of shit like this "An undetermined mind is determined to fail."
I hate to, literally, burst your proverbial bubble...but there are those among us who dont NEED to give 110% to get the job done. In fact, its usually (not saying you specifically, but USUALLY) the WEAKER people who need to give 110% to even come CLOSE to a greater man's FIFTY percent. (Precocious, Perception, Ingenuity...look those up to start with!)

Originally posted by inasense206 lets keep the hate out of this post....
EXACTLY!! :devious:
Apr 26, 2002
tadou said:
...... there are those among us who dont NEED to give 110% to get the job done. In fact, its usually (not saying you specifically, but USUALLY) the WEAKER people who need to give 110% to even come CLOSE to a greater man's FIFTY percent. (Precocious, Perception, Ingenuity...look those up to start with!)

EXACTLY!! :devious:

I do not apply, goodbye

GOOD LUCK IN LIFE............

You'll need it:paranoid: