There are several ways one can look at this. One way you can look at it is "At least he didn't spill her blood." Another way you can look at it is "This fuckin joo needs to go to the oven." You can also look at the picture and say "I don't know the whole story" Again, these are all ways different people can look at it, and how you look at it depends on your beliefs, opinions, bias etc. In posting those, I'm not saying this group or that group is justified etc. Now I'll tell you what I think about this situation.
You have a young man throwing wine on an older woman. Think about that for a bit. A young man disrespecting his elder. There is nothing good about that at all. I don't care if the person is a Muslim, Satanist, or whatever you want to toss out there, show some respect for your elders. That lady could be someones mother, someones aunt, etc, and he should have thought about his own mother before he did that.