How does that reissue of Rich The factor Buisness Man and Rush "New Vett" sound
I got New Vett a cdr of the original but it only play in one speaker was made like that. Does the reissue only have six songs like the original and do they sound good. I know buisness man is tight. Are there any new traks on these or that reissued sricth the Scratcha. Also if any body want to sell a copy for a decent price not no $40.00. I might be interested
I got New Vett a cdr of the original but it only play in one speaker was made like that. Does the reissue only have six songs like the original and do they sound good. I know buisness man is tight. Are there any new traks on these or that reissued sricth the Scratcha. Also if any body want to sell a copy for a decent price not no $40.00. I might be interested