How do you make your money?

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Nov 7, 2002
every time you drink a 40 save it

ummm,..go to house parties and save the food in zip lock bags bags
and sell it the next day,...

get mustd packs from 7-11 or some where and fill up an old musterd botte and try and slang that,...

go to an office building and snatch a roll of tolet papper,..and flip that

walk around the city and say you are comedian slowpoke and sell autographs
with a polierod camrea (like a 30$ investment tho)

walk around town with a note book and pen,...start telling them that you are starting up a mail dating service for woman behind bars and that they are a perfect canadate and to sign up there is a $25 proessing fee to get started where they will recive a pic and letter from a prisoner of they choice
(may have to download prison pics and print them out,...$20 investment)


Dec 7, 2005
DaSlimReaper said:
I sell drugs and prostitutes on E-Bay..

damn i needa get on that level! im doin simple things the old school ways, with ebay i can reach new clients and shit


And I also sell bootlegged mark 7 mixes

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
if im in a pinch, temp jobs.
if i dont wanna deal with temping,and i dont mind labor work, labor ready, get paid that day.
if i need money now, 14th street.

sometimes i borrow money if i can make it multiply within a few hours. sell trees in small quantities to rip people off and make more money.

never got into the fake crack/heroin business, but thats an option.

i used to go to yard and garage sales, buy something simple, talk to the person and ask if i can go to the bathroom, and steal pills from the medicine cabinet-window.

bout to get rid of all these old ass comics...comic cons coming up in san diego..and i gotta lot of wild shit worth money...
Jan 31, 2006
Gas One said:
if im in a pinch, temp jobs.
if i dont wanna deal with temping,and i dont mind labor work, labor ready, get paid that day.
if i need money now, 14th street.

sometimes i borrow money if i can make it multiply within a few hours. sell trees in small quantities to rip people off and make more money.

never got into the fake crack/heroin business, but thats an option.

i used to go to yard and garage sales, buy something simple, talk to the person and ask if i can go to the bathroom, and steal pills from the medicine cabinet-window.

bout to get rid of all these old ass comics...comic cons coming up in san diego..and i gotta lot of wild shit worth money...
LOL.. everyone watch out for this guy...
Jun 3, 2006
ask your big homie if ya can hold somethin sho a buisness proposal tell him what he gettin off the rip works for me
Jun 18, 2006

cant really say how i make my money tho, but im high as fuc*

make money by

Stealing- check pockets on wannabe thugs
Slangin- weed is easier and lesser chance of bein in jail forever
Knoc*N white bitches
Front a sac* offa a homie that slang- dont come short
Prepaid Legal- my homie doin this N it wrx -passin out forms n if u get 10 memberships u get 800 to 2500 a month- if u get over 75-100 ppl u aint gotta wrk for life
Go downtown and do somethin ur good at *display art, music- guitar drums wit a hat or bucket so ppl could put money in
Beg for money- ask every person that walk by u if they can give u a dollar, shit adds up
Lie- tell ppl that u raisin money for cancer or some shit
Look in trash- Preferrably dumpsters around ur local projects or apartment, different ppl b throwin out furniture n shit that u could flip around and wash and sell it fo some profit
Pimp Hoes- if ur game is up to par
Keep gettin money off ur parents.. LOL
FLIP SHIT- ex. buy somethin thats hella cheap and try to flip it, like buy a 500 dollar car and sell it for 1000 then flip that 1000
Last thing i can think of--- GET A JOB
Apr 26, 2006
^^ i'm doing something sort of the one on top right there..
just go to 2nd hand stores and look for stuff that you can clean up and make it look brand new and sell it on ebay.. with an interest on the price..
or just look in your garage of stuff that you dont use anymore and sell it online
that would get you a few bucks in your pocket.
Jul 4, 2002
well for a small investment of $100.00 US dollars, I can send you a cd that you can burn and sell for the price of your choice, its an ESL cd, 2 hrs long, unit 1 and every month i will send you another cd unit for an additional $ up front in the form of a money order or cashiers check and after its cashed and cleared, i mail your me if your interested