If you really want to make it and music is your main and/or only gig, then move to LA and work it out from there for a while, see how much noise you can make.
*LA only a couple hours away and the pace is a whole lot faster there. More oppertunity, radio, shows, networking, colaboration opps, press, street sales, etc...etc.
*LA got Hollywood... more access to getting your music in film or even LA got Chatsworth... more access to music in porn. (Or maby even acting for Crhymes, a porn veraion of the movie Zoro?$$$)
Does Mitchy live in SD still? Did he meet the SAS cats in Daygo? More likly in LA. More oppertunity is only 2HR's away. A cat like Crhymes with so much hustle and passion for the game could come up big quick there???