How can we reduce our cancer risk?

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May 13, 2002
50% of American men are expected to develop cancer. Fuck.


How can we reduce our cancer risk?
By Sue Mueller -
Apr 1, 2007 - 1:34:22 PM

There is a lot of talking about the recurrence of cancer in Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards, and Tony Snow, the White House press secretary. Edwards suffers from breast cancer which has now spread to the bones and Snow is fighting against colon cancer that has spread to the liver.

Much of the talking is about how people respond to the news. One key question has not been touched, that is, why we have a high incidence of cancer in the country.

The cancer risk is real and not so far from you and me no matter you have a family history of the disease or not. Nearly 50 percent of men and 35 percent of women in the U.S. are expected to develop one cancer or another in their life time. Indeed, cancer is so common that it has become the number one killer in the country.

How could so many people get cancer nowadays? No doctors know or would tell you exactly what cause a specific cancer, breast cancer or colon cancer although many possible risk factors are known for certain cancers. It is generally agreed that cancer is a disease of lifestyle although some “experts” keep publishing research articles telling people that cancer is associated with this or that gene, indicating that you should not fight to resist your fate as the disease is originated from your genetics.

Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a nutrition professor from Cornell University says in his book titled “The China Study” that the role the genetics play in cancer development may not exceed 3 percent of the total risk. Even if you have a faulty gene, the risk does not have to manifest when a good diet is used. He cites his “China Study” saying that diet is the major factor influencing the cancer risk.

According to Dr. Campbell, meat consumption can be a big risk for cancer such as breast cancer. High intake of meat (protein and fat) promotes early puberty and later menopause. He says in his book that in China girls enter puberty at age 15 to 18 compared to 9 to 12 in the U.S. This difference results in a huge difference in the hormone exposure, that is, American women are exposed to estrogen for ten to 15 more years than the Chinese women.

Estrogen is a known risk for breast cancer. Elizabeth Edwards gave birth to her youngest child at about 50, indicating that she is likely exposed to high levels of hormones at that age or even a few years afterwards, which is a real risk although other risk factors may also play a role.

Another risk is that American people do not eat as much fruits and vegetables as needed. One of consequences is that a meaty diet without much plant foods is more likely to make your body acidic, which is promoting cancer growth. According to some unsubstantiated source, 85% of cancer patients have an acidic pH. A friend of this writer suffered from breast cancer and she has her pH at 5.0. The normal pH should be about 7.35.

Of course, many other factors may be also responsible for the high risk of cancer in the country. In the developed country, more medical radiation is used than the developing country. Ionizing radiations such as x-ray are a known cancer causing agent although the medical circle downplays the risk of radiation. John Gofman, MD and Ph.D., a prominent nuclear scientist and physician, retired from the University of California at Los Angeles believes that radiation may play a role in 75 percent of breast cancer cases.

One can’t expect to reduce the cancer risk to zero. But he can reduce it significantly just following a healthy diet and lifestyle.

If I were Tony Snow or Elizabeth Edwards, the first thing I would do is quit eating meat and dairy products and increase consumption of plant foods particularly those with high fiber and minerals. The next thing to do is avoid further damage from conventional treatments, that is, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which would do more harm than good at this stage for both Snow and Edwards in my point of view. I would also take high doses of omega 3 fatty acids, particularly DHA and use no vegetable oils, particularly corn oil and soybean oil. Also I would do some detoxification to cleanse my body so that the toxins would not have a chance to further damage my body.

Many people believe many forms of cancer can be cured. Those who are interested in natural ways to fight cancer can visit and many others.


Feel free to post other cancer related articles, health tips, personal experience, etc.
Jun 19, 2004
"Real Cures They Don't Want You To Know About"
is a book that kind of goes with this article.

the author Kevin Tredoe" (sp?) seems to be at it with the governemnt, in his book he talks about how they are tryng to censor what he's saying. The only knock I have about this dude is he asks you to join his site at a monthly fee. But it does make sense about how, these big time multi-billion dollar drug companies benefit alot from people being "sick" He throws out alot of well known politicians names that have helped companies add dangerous chemicals to food. Msg and Aspirthamine and hfcs high fructose corn syrup are all bad for you but I bet if you look at 20 food items in the store 98% of the items will have one of those chemicals.

I think the rise in cancer cases is because of all the chemicals they put into foods now a days, just about anything you buy at the grocery store has some type of "artifical" ingrediant, that was create in a lab.

I think the way to go is organic, but it's very expensive.
Dec 8, 2005
people are living long enough to contract diseases that would never have developed before because the person would already be dead. the govt and phram companies definitely realize that there is no $ in a cure, only medicine. If you slang dope do you really want your fiends to be cured? I put my "faith" in nano-tech and eventually being able to map proteins, but even then, there is still no incentive for the govt to make a wide release of this knowledge or cure available, how the hell can you pay for perpetual medicaid? lol.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
A friend of this writer suffered from breast cancer and she has her pH at 5.0. The normal pH should be about 7.35.
pH = 5?????????????????????????????

not possible, you would not be alive

big D

Sicc OG
May 2, 2002
I wonder if there's a correlation b/w the concentration of energy eveident in this map and the occurance of cancer? Seems like industrialized nations are hardest hit by cancer rates and they're lit up like a mofo on this map. I think there's tons of factors but energy is huge.

It is kind of interesting that the drug companies are marketing the cervical cancer vaccine. A cancer that is seldom seen in society. How the hell do they have a vaccine for it? Fishy. Then there's the types of cancers that are most prevalent (Breast, prostate, etc) in society and have tons of money raised to find cures, but we're no were near a vaccine. Or are we? If you were a drug company and had a cure, would you tell? I sure the hell wouldn't. Too much money to be made if we're relieving symptoms rather than curing.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
big D said:
I wonder if there's a correlation b/w the concentration of energy eveident in this map and the occurance of cancer? Seems like industrialized nations are hardest hit by cancer rates and they're lit up like a mofo on this map. I think there's tons of factors but energy is huge.

It is kind of interesting that the drug companies are marketing the cervical cancer vaccine. A cancer that is seldom seen in society. How the hell do they have a vaccine for it? Fishy. Then there's the types of cancers that are most prevalent (Breast, prostate, etc) in society and have tons of money raised to find cures, but we're no were near a vaccine. Or are we? If you were a drug company and had a cure, would you tell? I sure the hell wouldn't. Too much money to be made if we're relieving symptoms rather than curing.
they don't have a vaccine against cervical cancer, they have a vacine against HPV and HPV is the major cause for cervical cancer is women

HPV is a virus so you can make a vaccine against it

cancer is typically not caused by viruses, it is a disease of the genome so there's no way you can make a vaccine
May 15, 2002
Hu$tle530 said:
"Real Cures They Don't Want You To Know About"
is a book that kind of goes with this article.

the author Kevin Tredoe" (sp?) seems to be at it with the governemnt, in his book he talks about how they are tryng to censor what he's saying. The only knock I have about this dude is he asks you to join his site at a monthly fee. But it does make sense about how, these big time multi-billion dollar drug companies benefit alot from people being "sick" He throws out alot of well known politicians names that have helped companies add dangerous chemicals to food. Msg and Aspirthamine and hfcs high fructose corn syrup are all bad for you but I bet if you look at 20 food items in the store 98% of the items will have one of those chemicals.

I think the rise in cancer cases is because of all the chemicals they put into foods now a days, just about anything you buy at the grocery store has some type of "artifical" ingrediant, that was create in a lab.

I think the way to go is organic, but it's very expensive.
Youre talking about Kevin Trudeau. Im a big fan of his. I read all three of his books. Natural Cures They Dont Want You To Know About 1 & 2. And his new book...The Weight Loss Cure: They Dont Want You To Know About.
The man has opened my eyes all the way up. Because of him, Im able to live a healthy, energetic life now. I dont even worry about getting sick no more because I follow the things he recommended in Chapter 6. Also...on the topic of cancer...if your body's PH is Alkaline instead of Acidic, then diseases and viruses CANNOT exist in your body because the oxygen in your body wont allow it.
Jul 10, 2002
so cheeseburgers and yellow #5 & red #40 aren't good for us?

we consume so much processed garbage in the states its outta control. For real though, look at the ingriedients on the back of chips, twinkies, or other junk food, 20-30 compounds of shit that looks like it may as well be on the back of a shampoo bottle...

cut down on the meat & dairy, and step up the raw fruit and veggie intake and watch the changes....


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
look back at my debate with thag on science.

this is exactly what i was saying, even tho science is our best guess it will remain a guess.

we arent even close to a true understanding of science.
"pop once a day this artificial bs, side effects include nausia , headache, blurred vision, and death"

obviously the way is to diet on natural unprocessed foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
Mar 9, 2005
Pity there's no such thing as natural foods any more - even those that are grown organically are exposed to a myriad of nasty chemicals circulating throughout the air and contaminating our water.

Everyone dies, it's the only true thing in life (fuck taxes for those of you who know the quote). In the past, numerous people died from diseases, strokes and heart attacks, being eaten by predators or any number of causes, resulting in shorter lives. Cancer is the true grim reaper - if you've lived long enough to survive dying from everything else, then you will die from cancer.

Combine that with the chemicals that we clean our houses with, put on our plants and in our foods, the aromatic hydrocarbons that we pave our roads with and build our houses with, the carbon monoxide and other really fine particulate matter that our cars and industry produce and that we breathe in every day (our cilia are useless against such small particles) - you get the picture. We've made this world a breeding ground for cancerous cells. The only way you're NOT going to get cancer is if you die before it gets the chance.
Mar 1, 2006
Young Cutthroat said:
Youre talking about Kevin Trudeau. Im a big fan of his. I read all three of his books. Natural Cures They Dont Want You To Know About 1 & 2. And his new book...The Weight Loss Cure: They Dont Want You To Know About.
The man has opened my eyes all the way up. Because of him, Im able to live a healthy, energetic life now. I dont even worry about getting sick no more because I follow the things he recommended in Chapter 6. Also...on the topic of cancer...if your body's PH is Alkaline instead of Acidic, then diseases and viruses CANNOT exist in your body because the oxygen in your body wont allow it.
you work for this guy or what? I always read testimonials and you sound exactly like one.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
everyone's gonna get cancer cause everything is processed and because of all the pollution. among other things obviously...but it's kind of obvious...i mean, we did fuck this planet up...


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Hemp said:
look back at my debate with thag on science.

this is exactly what i was saying, even tho science is our best guess it will remain a guess.

we arent even close to a true understanding of science.
"pop once a day this artificial bs, side effects include nausia , headache, blurred vision, and death"

obviously the way is to diet on natural unprocessed foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
That's bullshit

Why do you think animals in the wild eat "healthy" food?

There is no such thing, they eat whatever they have and it's not necessarily fat-free, free of toxins, or "natural"

The reason you're getting cancer is that there has been no selective pressure against it, as cancer is a disease of the elders, who have already passed their genes to the next generation. It can't be a subject of selection. Moreover, organisms are not supposed to live long enough to develop cancer

The "natural way of life" is to die at 25 or 30

Then you want get any cancer unless you have some nasty mutation

Are you ready to live a "natural life"? I don't think so

Then please, shut the fuck up, and hope that scientists will find a way to keep you alive and healthy for another 50 years or so.


Apr 25, 2002
The reason you're getting cancer is that there has been no selective pressure against it, as cancer is a disease of the elders, who have already passed their genes to the next generation.
Can you clarify what you mean by "disease of the elders"?

It can't be a subject of selection.
Why do you say it can't?

Moreover, organisms are not supposed to live long enough to develop cancer
Please explain your statement.

The "natural way of life" is to die at 25 or 30
Please explain your statement.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
ThaG said:
That's bullshit

Why do you think animals in the wild eat "healthy" food?

There is no such thing, they eat whatever they have and it's not necessarily fat-free, free of toxins, or "natural"
umm.... the obvious difference is that we are taking many more man made and processed things, given that man is constantly comming up with new things(meds).
Shit, the immune system is built to be defensive. But not when you are popping a man made pill that has been tested for a given time, on a daily basis.
Or if yellow5 is in half the food you are eating.

ThaG said:
The reason you're getting cancer is that there has been no selective pressure against it, as cancer is a disease of the elders, who have already passed their genes to the next generation. It can't be a subject of selection. Moreover, organisms are not supposed to live long enough to develop cancer

The "natural way of life" is to die at 25 or 30

Then you want get any cancer unless you have some nasty mutation

Are you ready to live a "natural life"? I don't think so
everything you argued in this can be said in defense about many things and have nothing to do with specifically cancer.

ThaG said:
Then please, shut the fuck up, and hope that scientists will find a way to keep you alive and healthy for another 50 years or so.
oh i do hope so, but i wont die for it because unlike you, i dontkeep focus on winning the debate without having and open mind to the others perception.