How are ciggarettes LEGAL?

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Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Foul Mouth said:
yes,please find the sources.FACTUAL sources.not just the media or a handfull of scientists that believe this but have no actual data to back this up..........SHOW ME THE FACTS SINCE YOU'VE SEEN THEM,you must be the only person to see these FACTS.............

fact of the matter is second hand smoke kills people,leave it at and everybody who thinks second hand smoke kills "more" then actual smokers doesnt have very good common sence...........

if i smoke a chop in front of you,im gonna get high.are you gonna get higher than me? are you gonna have more THC in your system then mine? for the sake of argument,i'll use a chop with a filter.its filtering out some shit,but im still getting almost no oxygen if on the other hand,the second hand smoker is getting the fumes "diluted"..........

so please,show me "facts"," "data",not just theory and here say...................if you show me that and im proven to be wrong,fuck me,im an idiot..............
Actually, it is a FACT. I think you need to go read up on shit and understand it before you try to speak on it.

People who smoke cigarettes, they get shit in their lungs, BUT they have filters and they blow the shit out. People who are AROUND it, breathe in the smoke from the tip of the cigarette (no filter), and the smoke and carbon monoxide from the other persons lungs...if you think about it, second hand smokers have way less protection than the person who is actually smoking the cigarette. If you paid attention to shit, you might know some of that.

I, being somebody who smoked for 8 years, couldn't handle breathing in the smoke from the tip of a cigarette, it's 10 times as harsh as smoking the fuckin thing...I think I'd know since I've done both. If you're smoking a cig, and you are leaning over the hand holding it, and you take a nice deep breath, the shit burns nose and throat...and eyes...and it's not a comfortable feeling.

But, like I said, go back and do some research on the effects of smoking, as well as the effects of not smoking and being around somebody who might as well smoke.
May 11, 2002
I hope they ban smoking in bars and restraunts in Washington State. Why should I go home smelling like a chimney everytime I go to the bar? I have fucked up sinus's already, so inhaling all that second hand smoke makes me sick.
Oct 10, 2002
Sydal I'm really surprised about what you said on second hand smoke. Can you find that source you had? My boss smokes all the time, and I mean all the time, 2 packs a day. I really hate that shit, when I gotta work with him and shit.
Apr 25, 2002
Sydal said:
Actually, it is a FACT. I think you need to go read up on shit and understand it before you try to speak on it.

People who smoke cigarettes, they get shit in their lungs, BUT they have filters and they blow the shit out. People who are AROUND it, breathe in the smoke from the tip of the cigarette (no filter), and the smoke and carbon monoxide from the other persons lungs...if you think about it, second hand smokers have way less protection than the person who is actually smoking the cigarette. If you paid attention to shit, you might know some of that.
i wont even comment man.i dont think you even read my posts...........

but i will say,anybody who wants to find the FACTS,scientific data,i'll look it over.if im wrong,im cant be THAT hard to find right,? you guys say these facst exsist.just show me'em.untill then your just going off theory.......
May 13, 2002
BaSICCally said:
I hope they ban smoking in bars and restraunts in Washington State. Why should I go home smelling like a chimney everytime I go to the bar? I have fucked up sinus's already, so inhaling all that second hand smoke makes me sick.
Shouldn’t it be up to the owner of the bar what rules/regulations occur in their OWN bar?

Shit, it's their bar, not the states bar. If I want to have people over at my house able to smoke, I should have that right. Same goes with any bar or restaurant.

When did you quit smoking?
May 11, 2002
But it should be up to the state on for banning smoking, they provide the liquor liscense plus once the smoker gets sick and has to go to the hospital, then the smoker has no insurance, the state picks up the tab.

I quit about 2001. Shit just got to expensive. How much are ciggeretts now up here? 7 bucks or some shit?

damn I loved to smoke. I really wish I could smoke but its just not worth the money and my health.
May 13, 2002
But it should be up to the state on for banning smoking, they provide the liquor liscense plus once the smoker gets sick and has to go to the hospital, then the smoker has no insurance, the state picks up the tab.
Well, so what? What about all the fat asses in seattle who eat McDonalds every day for lunch and have a heart attack? Should we ban Big Macs?

I'm just saying a privately owned bar or restaurant should have the right to decide if they will allow smoking...not the state.

And dont get me started on the States Monopoly on that shit pisses me off!

But in the end, I think something should be done to rid these cigerrettes of all the added chemicals and maybe all cigerrettes should be more like american spirit.

I found a nice smoke shop where I buy Newports for $4/pack, which is damn good compared to QFC or Safeway that charge $6 something.

Do you remember when we used to buy Marb Reds for about $2.50?
Jan 2, 2003
@ 206....u make a very good point about the "its the owners bar".....its toally glad the state has stepped in and banned smoking in the public places...its a decision im glad the state DIDNT leave to the owners...the SHIT is absolutely disgusting....i ahte when im around people and there "bogin" it....

when i went to the DAYTONA 500 3 years dad and I went to HOOTERS....and it was SOOO busy that they just sat people together(like 2 differnt partys at one table, kinda like they do at BENIHANAS)

anyway....this one guy who is with us starts smoking a first i was like "wtf!?!?"....then i realized "i wasnt in california anymore"..

but imagine working there, and straight breathing ciggy smoke all day....just eating there was kinda unpleasent..the scenery was nice tho!
May 11, 2002
Yeah but those fat asses eating big macs arent killing me. Ciggerette smoke is killing me and making me sick.

But yeah a privatly owned bar should determin if they should allow smoking or not. Still I know of only a few bars that ban it now. I just dont see why I have to risk my health for the 20% of the population who smokes. Five minutes outside smoking isn't going to kill anyone, inhalling smoke inside for five minutes might.

Driving on while talking on your cell phone should be made illegal but they still havent banned that. Fuck that fucking kid that hit me was talking on his cell phone, nearly killed me. And who is taking the big dick in the ass?

American spirits are a noble concept but they taste like shit and they last forever. Atleast when I smoked. Its not the same.

I still havent firgued out why Washington State hasn't allowed grocery stores to sell liqour. I read in the paper that they might open the liqour stores on Sundays.

When I left QFC I remember ciggerette prices were at like 6.80 a pack. But they also had buy 2 get one free deals all the time on Marbs. Which wasnt bad.

Oh yeah which reminds me of a story. I think I told you this story. I filled out this survey at a bar in Seattle for Marlboro so I could get a gold zippo lighter. So then months go buy and my brithday rolls around. I get this package and it says happy birthday. Im like ohh cool somone got me a card. I open the card, the card has some fancy leather folder, then it says happy birthday from Marlboro. You and a friend have won a trip to race with the Marlboro race team in your choice of four different race tracks plus a $1000 for spending money. Just call this 1800 to claim your prize.

I just thought it was some scam. So I threw the shit away. Then to find out I have a friend who won the exact same prize and he called the 1800 number. He went to Daytona and got to race all the Malrboro race cars around the track and chill in a 5 star hotel and everything was paid for. All for free.

I was so pissed when I found out. I have the most fucked up luck. I swear...


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
theres some facts for you. good look man.

also yea i smoke pot....but that shits also i guess u cant say shit about that huh? exactly. and like dude said. u can go eat a thousand fucking hamburgers till your lard ass gets a heartattack, if u dont know better your a fucking dumb shit and should die anyway. but some fat fuck eating hamburgers aint killin the dude sitting in the booth next to him while he eats that shit is he. no.


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
another thing marijuana is a naturally grown plant,

dont make me start listing everything in a single ciggarette.
Apr 25, 2002
alright guys,ciggarettes are unhealthy,thats been established,we all agree with that.all i really wanna see is the scientific proof backing up the second hand is worse then smoking theory.thats all buddies........i myself smoke.i got kids,but i smoke outside do to the fact that when i was a kid,my mom chain smoked in doors and i hated the smell........i am not saying second hand smoke isnt bad,anything you breathe in thats burned isnt good.but i dont believe its bad to the degree "they" say it is.they havent shown any proof yet.thats aaaalllllll im sayin...........i believe cancer is everywhere.your car is cancerous.when you go and pick up your weed in your automobile,thats unneccisary (sp?) burned gas that we (in the valley) get to breath in.........the fumes from the blunts you smoke are cancerous..............


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
well this thread isnt titled "Things that cause cancer" is it? no.

think about what the main idea of this post is. its cigs being legal.


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002

do u think i have access to the government medical record files that list Cause of death for every mother fucker that died for the last 50 years, do you? read that website click "facts" and just soak that for a minute. if your lookin for some scientists in the lab or some shit forget it cuz these statistics are the LAST thing this big time lobbying major money corporations want to be leaked. this way they can still feast off of the humans weakness for addcition.
Apr 25, 2002
im aware of The Truth.the commercials and all.but i see that organization along with most of'em if not all of'em out there as a like a Michael Moore Fahrenheit 9/11.sure,i know cigs are bad.the commercials and the site are full of facts,but they also leave out other facts.and alot of there facts are hyped.thats cool what thet're doin,i can respect that.but there usin the scare tactic.there swayin the facts to co-operate with them.c' seen the commercial with the rats right? ciggerettes have an ingredient found in rat poison! and theres dead rats all around.thats ridiculous.Tang has an ingredient that cleans toilet bowls to a shiny finish.Coke-A-Cola will eat away rust.the old Taco Bell Green Sauce eats away you see what im sayin.rat poison got aaalllll kinda shit in ingredient,is in ciggerettes.a small trace,but they make it seem like its enough to kill a rat.SCARE TACTIC.thats cool if you fall into that shit.its just like that anti weed campaign a while back.i man runs over a girl.he tests posotive for m.j. you and i know they're blowin that up.dude coulda been smokin a week ago.we know that.but alot of mothafuckas believe the campaign.just like you and Sydal believe in these "facts" from The Truth............theres truth in that campaign,but theres also a lot of misleading.................