yes,please find the sources.FACTUAL sources.not just the media or a handfull of scientists that believe this but have no actual data to back this up..........SHOW ME THE FACTS SINCE YOU'VE SEEN THEM,you must be the only person to see these FACTS.............
fact of the matter is second hand smoke kills people,leave it at and everybody who thinks second hand smoke kills "more" then actual smokers doesnt have very good common sence...........
if i smoke a chop in front of you,im gonna get high.are you gonna get higher than me? are you gonna have more THC in your system then mine? for the sake of argument,i'll use a chop with a filter.its filtering out some shit,but im still getting almost no oxygen if on the other hand,the second hand smoker is getting the fumes "diluted"..........
so please,show me "facts"," "data",not just theory and here say...................if you show me that and im proven to be wrong,fuck me,im an idiot..............