whoa, no need to get ur panties in a bunch....i didnt say nothing about ur squad but if you wanna go there we can. i agree with you that we are the most dissapointing team in the league, but i guess the cowboys gotta be second. after all we were supposed to play each other in the superbowl, right? even though we arent mathematically eliminated, were pretty much done. you guys are fighting for a wild card spot. who knows both teams will probably be at home watching the playoffs....as for rivers, you can hate all you want but he's at the top of the league in qb stats. maybe we should wait til romo actually WINS a playoff game before we have this discussion. cause contrary to what you say, romo shits on nobody but himself when the pressure is on! IF and thats IF the cowboys make the playoffs romo will find a way to choke again.......shit for all the talk and hype about americas team its funny that ur squad aint won a playoff game since 1996..... OH AND AINT NOBODY WORRIED ABOUT BREES AND HIS 14 INTERCEPTIONS....RIVERS IS SHITTIN ON HIM....MAYBE IF YOU GUYS HAD BREES......