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Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
I'm soo sick of the undertakers routine where some big monster crushes him then he uses his lame overdone spook tactics to scare the guy then said big guy loses at PPV then is never seen again. that shit is old, taker needs to hang it up
Sep 1, 2003
taker dont even normally wrestle anymore....just does a ppv against khali every few months

shits old

anyway orton whoopin on hogan would be the shit.....buti doubt it wil happen cuz hogan can call the match
Aug 13, 2005
dont know if this is an angle but hogan might miss summerslam

The following comes from WWE.com:

On Friday, the WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon, received an urgent phone call from Hulk Hogan.

Hogan said that there's a possibility that he has a cracked meniscus, which in turn could possibly prevent him from appearing on RAW this Monday night in Memphis, next week's RAW in Charlottesville and even SummerSlam.

Hulk Hogan had an MRI tonight at a Miami hospital to determine the extent of the injury which is in his right knee (his good one). Doctors will examine it over the weekend.

"It started about two weeks ago, like a toothache," Hogan said, "the joint on the outside of the knee. I was complaining to my son Nick that it was killing me all the time. I have been on the road with my daughter Brooke and haven't been able to work out my legs like I should."

Hogan added: "Yesterday, I did a couple of leg exercises at a gym. When I got home, I sat on my new couch and it was like sitting in a hole. When I got up, it sounded like a snap, an explosion in the kneecap. I can stand and walk a bit, but its hard for me to sit and get up and down the stairs."

Hogan was despondent that he might not compete against the Legend Killer Randy Orton. WWE.com reached Orton who is currently touring with the RAW roster in Australia.

When told about Hogan's sudden injury, Orton responded by saying, "Typical Hogan. I have been around the man since I was a child. It seems that every time he gets in a situation that he can't handle or if he gets in over his head, he blows out a knee or his back. Case and point, the old man (chuckling) blew out his knee getting up from the couch."

Hulk Hogan is arguably the greatest WWE Legend of all time, and if his injury prevents him from competing against Randy Orton at SummerSlam, there is no doubt he will see him sometime in the future.
Feb 8, 2003
That sounds like a storyline to me or Hogan just used WWE to promote his daughter's album and now wants out bc he got what he wanted.

I fuck my manicus up years ago when i played sports and to correct it you gotta get surgery asap and it takes 6-8 weeks to heal. So if he really is injured then he will def miss Summerslam.
Feb 8, 2003
tHE MATCH IS BACK ON FOR SUMMERSLAM. I think the whole injury thing was fake and it was just a excuse for him to miss last weeks Raw bc he was scheduled to be there and in a dark tag team match after the show.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
Randy deserves the push, It doesn't matter if he wins or loses though this match will catapult him up the ladder to take the title from whoever has it in the next 6 months. His first run was shitty, he deserves another go as champ soon.
Feb 8, 2003
jayda650 said:
Randy deserves the push, It doesn't matter if he wins or loses though this match will catapult him up the ladder to take the title from whoever has it in the next 6 months. His first run was shitty, he deserves another go as champ soon.
I agree. The plan now is for Cena to win it a SummerSlam then lose it at Unforgiven in September to Edge. but since they not gonna give it to Cena for long My only guess is Jeff Hardy will take it from Edge setting up Hardy and Orton. WWE is fuckin up imo bc they pushing too many heels at the same time like Orton, Edge, Umaga, Nitro, Spirit Squad. Unless Orton turns face again soon.
Feb 8, 2003
jayda650 said:
Randy deserves the push, It doesn't matter if he wins or loses though this match will catapult him up the ladder to take the title from whoever has it in the next 6 months. His first run was shitty, he deserves another go as champ soon.
I agree. The plan now is for Cena to win it a SummerSlam then lose it at Unforgiven in September to Edge. but since they not gonna give it to Cena for long My only guess is HBK or HHH will take it from Edge setting up Orton against either. WWE is fuckin up imo bc they pushing too many heels at the same time like Orton, Edge, Umaga, Nitro, Spirit Squad. Unless Orton turns face again soon.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
A couple of these guys are bound to do a face turn soon, Out of the ones you mentioned Orton is probably the best choice. Spirit squad is gonna have to break up soon either half of them will go face or will dissappear