dont know if this is an angle but hogan might miss summerslam
The following comes from
On Friday, the WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon, received an urgent phone call from Hulk Hogan.
Hogan said that there's a possibility that he has a cracked meniscus, which in turn could possibly prevent him from appearing on RAW this Monday night in Memphis, next week's RAW in Charlottesville and even SummerSlam.
Hulk Hogan had an MRI tonight at a Miami hospital to determine the extent of the injury which is in his right knee (his good one). Doctors will examine it over the weekend.
"It started about two weeks ago, like a toothache," Hogan said, "the joint on the outside of the knee. I was complaining to my son Nick that it was killing me all the time. I have been on the road with my daughter Brooke and haven't been able to work out my legs like I should."
Hogan added: "Yesterday, I did a couple of leg exercises at a gym. When I got home, I sat on my new couch and it was like sitting in a hole. When I got up, it sounded like a snap, an explosion in the kneecap. I can stand and walk a bit, but its hard for me to sit and get up and down the stairs."
Hogan was despondent that he might not compete against the Legend Killer Randy Orton. reached Orton who is currently touring with the RAW roster in Australia.
When told about Hogan's sudden injury, Orton responded by saying, "Typical Hogan. I have been around the man since I was a child. It seems that every time he gets in a situation that he can't handle or if he gets in over his head, he blows out a knee or his back. Case and point, the old man (chuckling) blew out his knee getting up from the couch."
Hulk Hogan is arguably the greatest WWE Legend of all time, and if his injury prevents him from competing against Randy Orton at SummerSlam, there is no doubt he will see him sometime in the future.