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May 13, 2002
I am an Atheist and I live more of a Christian life then most of you Christians.

I don’t understand some of you religious folk, who preach the words of Jesus but support the slaughter in Iraq.

If Jesus were alive today, would he sponsor this war? Would he demand the hostile take over of land and steal the oil? Would he have meetings with Mr. President?

If you truly believe in Jesus Christ and you believe in the bible, then I think we all know the answers to those questions.

Enders demented posts have inspired this thread.
Jul 24, 2002

You hit the nail on it's head. You want to tell a true Christian from a fake? Ask him about war....

Those who call themselves Christians and at the same time supported the Iraqi war are hypocrites.
Jesus Christ said to turn the other cheek when hit in the face.
He also said to love your enemy....

How in the hell could they support such war?
They take the Old Testiment out of it's context and bring up Joshua's conquer of the Canaanites. Or the "Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" thing.
But if you are to follow those beliefs then you may as well convert to Judaism. That's not what Christianity is about.
Christ tells me that even if my son is killed, I'm supposed to forgive his murderer.
I see TV assholes like Bill O"Reily and Sean Cannity "what ever his name is", show their support for the Iraqi war.
These fuckers are Catholics, have they forgotten what the Pope did to the man that nearly killed him? Dude shot him and barely missed his heart, yet the Pope still forgave him.

That God that Bush talks about is the all foreseeing eye you find in every dollar bill.
It is the eye of Satan....


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
miggidy said, "Jesus Christ said to turn the other cheek when hit in the face. He also said to love your enemy..."

^ So did Sun Tzu.

Forgive the innocent and those, that in truth, seek forgiveness is the message I believe Jesus was trying to get across.

What I don't understand is everybody believes Jesus came to teach us how to fix the world. And if I believed in the always passive and never angry Jesus that most people preach about, then basically that Jesus was tellin me to give up and die under oppression. Like a lamb to the slaughter. How does that make the world a better place again? That mentality plays the true believers in Christ for fools and makes it pretty easy for the bad guys don't you think?

If I live my life and let you oppress me willingly then that means that I'll let you oppress my children and teach them that it's alright to be oppressed. What the fuck kind of stupid shit is this? I'll be damned if anybody poisons, beats, or rapes my child while I still have two able hands to cut your throat or put you in a place where you can't hurt my child.

I don't care what anybody tells me I will always believe without a shadow of a doubt in my heart that Jesus was, is, and will always be a warrior.
May 13, 2002
Woah there Ender, who the fuck is opressing you? In other words, WHO THE FUCK WAS OBRESSING AMERICA? It sure as hell wasnt Iraq.

You can go ahead and believe Jesus was a worrier, maybe he was maybe he wasnt, the point is America invaded Iraq WITHOUT evidence of WMD, WITHOUT the intention of liberating the people, and WITH all intentions of taking their resources.

Let us not forget the MILLIONS, YES, MILLIONS of DEAD IRAQI's america is responsible for over the last ten years.

I'm sure the worrier jesus you have invented in your own imagination would agree with that.

But the biblical Jesus surely would not.
Jul 24, 2002
Ender you're lookin at it from the outside.
You gotta look very deep into why Jesus demanded so much.
His philosophy is that the only way we can truly help one another is to totally lose focus
(to an extent) on ourselves.
He says his children should not worry about what they will eat, wear, and where they'll sleep because God will provide you with it. So basically that's telling you that this is a chain reaction, you help someone else and someone else will help you. So why bother worryin about anything?
(Yo 2-0, this sounds like Communism LOL)

Christians are not being played for fools.
They understand what they are doing.
Jesus himself said it, you will be persecuted because of me.
You will be killed because you believe in me....
We know what we're gettin into....
Unlike every other religion, we are promised pain by following what we believe in....
Why bother with Earthly things if life is only temporary?
Real life begins after death....

It's hard for you to understand as Jesus's ways go against our nature.
But that is the way it has to be....

PS.... Tell me more about Tzu....
Jun 2, 2002
Gandhi, thats a man in whom you can mirror image christs philosphy, in a more present day retrospect.

And as far as christians supporting the war, most I know are not, they just support the country that brought them the freedom to practice their religion.

And isn't Sun Tzu's 'The Art Of War', a book more leaned towards usings words as weapons and power in numbers?
Apr 25, 2002
i listend to the first 3 chapters , from my under standing he is acheiving victory with little lost or cost and a swift victory as soon as possible . war is to be avoided too,an yea he said in conquering an enemy a large force is needed


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
odogfelon said:

And as far as christians supporting the war, most I know are not, they just support the country that brought them the freedom to practice their religion.
isn't it ironic that people came over here because they were being persecuted for their religion, but when they got here, they started persecuting people for their religion...... hmmmm
Apr 25, 2002
So does that mean it is okay for us to stand by and watch Hussein kill his own people and dump them in mass graves? I guess we should have turned our cheeks and backs and let people suffer in that country for speaking out against him.

I guess it seemed like a good idea for us to go look for WMD's since we sold them to Hussein to use on Iran back in the 80's. But I think he used most or all when he started gassing Kurdish villages after that war.

I do think the sanctions were working fairly well to keep Iraq contained. I also think that there are more immediate threats in the world besides Iraq, whether it be military aggression or starving nations or countries involved in war, like Liberia.
Jul 7, 2002
AdolfOliverBush said:
So does that mean it is okay for us to stand by and watch Hussein kill his own people and dump them in mass graves? I guess we should have turned our cheeks and backs and let people suffer in that country for speaking out against him.
that was done with US support

AdolfOliverBush said:

I guess it seemed like a good idea for us to go look for WMD's since we sold them to Hussein to use on Iran back in the 80's. But I think he used most or all when he started gassing Kurdish villages after that war.
gassing kurdish villages with US support. US wanted a way to control IRaq, if the the opposition of the south and north were to topple Saddam who knows what could have happen, US knew that, it didnt want that to happen.

the US bombing of IRaq was able to destory iraq's wmd, but what was more effective was the UN weapons inpections.

AdolfOliverBush said:

I do think the sanctions were working fairly well to keep Iraq contained.
you are right
Oct 16, 2002
one thing that i dont understand is that first they didnt want the Un to help and now US want other country's to send in there troops in iraq but they want full control over iraq all to themselves

i mean if we REALLY REALLY wanted to liberate the ppl of iraq then why does it matter if he have full control over iraq or not......thats real shiesty.....it only means one thing that they want to have all iraq's resources all to themselves and control that country like its there bitch

only thing that should matter is that they live a good life without any fear of ppl like sadam hussein and that theres not another saddam hussein in iraq ever again.......but the US sounds real greedy and shit