Herman Cain!!!!

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Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002

Cain's wished-for Secret Service code name: 'Cornbread'

By MAGGIE HABERMAN | 11/18/11 11:54 AM EDT
Via POLITICO's Juana Summers, Herman Cain mused in his book "This is Herman Cain" about what he would want his Secret Service code name to be if he ever got that far in his White House quest.

From Summers: Explaining it in his book, Cain says Nathan Naidu, one of his aides, already refers to him as "Cornbread" on the campaign schedule.

UPDATE: Summers sends over some additional details:

Cain describes driving from Atlanta to Memphis for his aunt’s funeral. He, his father and his brother drove in a caravan in three Cadillacs, all owned by his father.

They had all been using CB radios to communicate for each other and Cain says he chose the handle Cornbread. (“I love cornbread, so that was my handle,” he writes.)

“Incidentally, my handle seems to be sticking to me. One member of my campaign staff, a young man named Nathan Naidu, insists that when I’m president my Secret Service name is going to be “Cornbread!” And in the meantime, he says, whenever he puts anything on my campaign schedule, instead of writing “Mr. Cain,” I’ll just be referred to as “Cornbread.” Well thanks Nate! You’ve just told the whole world my future Secret Service nickname!”


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
In a if or that scenario would you vote?

Ron Paul or Obama ?

polls are swinging his way... I think I would vote paul, granted I highly doubt he'll win the primary
May 13, 2002
In a if or that scenario would you vote?

Ron Paul or Obama ?

polls are swinging his way... I think I would vote paul, granted I highly doubt he'll win the primary
I'll vote for Cain just because how fucking awesome it would be to have cornbread as our president. fuck it, shits going to hit the fan anyway might as well speed up the process a bit and get it over with