sounds to me the only reasonable thing to do is bounce out with all the shit. Give her anything that is solely hers, like her clothes and shit, but keep the couches and everything else and dip out with the quickness.
Restraining orders cost money, so I wouldnt do that. Tell dude to give her a vebal restraining order, "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME OR I WILL CUT OUT YOUR EYEBALLS AND FEED THEM TO YOUR MOTHER" ...or some shit like that, and he gotta have a crazy rabies look on his face
Restraining orders cost money, so I wouldnt do that. Tell dude to give her a vebal restraining order, "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME OR I WILL CUT OUT YOUR EYEBALLS AND FEED THEM TO YOUR MOTHER" ...or some shit like that, and he gotta have a crazy rabies look on his face