"I want to do the least amount of work possible and get treated like a millionaire"
"I don't have the balls to invest in capitalism and make millions on my risk so its no fair that others have"
"I don't have a job so large taxes pay for my new Jordans"
"I'm entitled because Obama says so"
"You're all racists because I'm not white"
"Taxes pay for my FREE LIFESTYLE that I'm entitled to"
"College is for losers"
"Screw investing and saving, I buy lotto tickets"
"I can charge credit cards till they get maxed and its you evil capitalists fault for our economy"
"I only made 35,000 a year but bought a 75,000 SUV and spent 8k extra on dope rims and 2500 on sounds"
"its no fair"
"I don't have the balls to invest in capitalism and make millions on my risk so its no fair that others have"
"I don't have a job so large taxes pay for my new Jordans"
"I'm entitled because Obama says so"
"You're all racists because I'm not white"
"Taxes pay for my FREE LIFESTYLE that I'm entitled to"
"College is for losers"
"Screw investing and saving, I buy lotto tickets"
"I can charge credit cards till they get maxed and its you evil capitalists fault for our economy"
"I only made 35,000 a year but bought a 75,000 SUV and spent 8k extra on dope rims and 2500 on sounds"
"its no fair"