jape its all good bro, whenever. let me know. im still getting a few characters done a day so its all to the good im still active
gabe i appreciate it! its comments like that, that make me pull out the pen and start on the next drawing.... i do the art for myself, but having people enjoy something i created is the bee's knees.
usually art threads do not last this long, much less make it to the second page...so i gotta say thank yall for fuckin with me like that and supporting my shit, thanks everyone who replied, propped me and/or PM'ed me about work due to this thread...much love to everyone. you may end up part of a drawing in some way one day. anything that i see in life is a possibility to become art to me. its dope to have a passion for your talent, and have people enjoy it, makes it all worth it at the end of the day.
this was probably like 4-5 out of 80-90 pieces of art work i did this year. so ill post some newer shit for you guys soon, just out of respect. in the mean time yall can always see random new pieces of work on my instagram
01, i usually post some art weekly if it isnt old work its new, but i mix it up usually.