has anyone seen a ghost

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Apr 25, 2002
well everybody in my house had an experience there.this was the house i grew up in not the house we live at know.

i was the only one who saw it.it was real simple not a long story at all.whut happened was i was in my uncles room at the time he was living with us.my cousin would have fucked up dreams in that room so she quit sleeping in there.this was the second floor of the house.my brothers they quit sleeping in their room cause of sum wierd shit that happened to them too up there.

so we all ended up sleeping downstairs most of the time.but anyway i was in my uncles room the master bedroom.i was looking for sumthing in their drawer and i looked up in the mirror and i seen a figure all i seen was a white t- shirt.from the shoulder down to the waist and thats all i caught.so i'm looking at it and i only see half verticly cause it was peeking out at me from the doorway.then it turns and walks into the bathroom right next to the doorway.i thought it was my brother trying to fuck with me so i walk in there calmly and nothings there.i look in the bathtub to see if anybodys hiding there and i did'nt see nothing.

everybody in the house at the time was in the backyard my mom and my uncle.so i ran all the way downstairs and straight to the backyard and told them i saw a ghost.

at that time my uncle said his reletive died in the phillipines.my dad always says sumthing happens when sumone dies in the phillipines to him.

but we had a haunting at that house so i don't know if it was the ghost that haunted us or sum ghost just passing through.

like my brothers my older brother he quit sleeping in his room because he saw a shadow figure of jesus with his arms out in the corner of his room so he quit sleeping there.

my other brother my oldest was talking on the phone to his girlfriend about the ghost that we all heard walking around upstairs in his room,in the hallway and into the bathroom.remember i grew up in this house and we know when we hear sumbody walking upstairs you hear distinct footsteps walking across.well anyway he was talking about it in the middle of the night on the phone and he had a mug a beer mug with his name on it on top of his stereo.well sumthing started flicking it and you could hear it ring like ping,ping,ping, and my brother booked it out of there and slept downstairs.he also saw a shadow figure in the corner of his room.

a couple times we heard our doornobs at the front of the house and in the garage door in our hall way being turned like sumbody wanted to get in.and we'd check with a weapon of course and nobody was there.

now the footsteps was the worse cause everybody in my family would hear them.very clearly.one time me and my friend were fucking with my oldest brother trying to piss him off so he could chase us.so we did and he got up to grab one of us and we ran into a room upstairs.we heard footsteps walking around upstairs and we stayed in the room.then we heard my brother downstairs flicking channels on the remote.so we looked at eachother like wait a minute he's downstairs and only my mom is home with us but she's asleep.so we ran out the room and down the stairs and my brothers laying there.we told him did you go up there he says no.and we told him we heard footsteps we thought it was you he said nope.

well we kept hearing them for like a month and my dad did'nt believe us.till one night we were all downstairs and we heard them.we were like see i told you and my dad was tripping out.all of a sudden we heard shhhhhhkkk booom!like sumbody slamed a window or a closet shut upstairs.my dad grabed his gun and we went looking around cause the footsteps sounded so loud this night.but we did'nt find anything.

till this day we all remember whut went on in that house.especially when my relatives come over that used to live with us we all talk about it.

i always tell this story on here cause it's true.

but one thing about the footsteps we noticed where we heard them there was no holy relic in those areas.everywhere else in the house my mom had sumthing there and we did'nt hear anything going on there.but it was my oldest brothers room
the hallway up there leading into the bathroom.we put some up before we moved out and they quit no more footsteps.then we eventually moved out.

we lived in two other houses since then and we did'nt have any sign of ghost around the house.well exept for the one now sum weird shit happened but i won't get into it.it's not as scary.so it don't bother us.
May 27, 2002
once in my hosue .. all the chairs were pushed in and then i hear a creeching sound and the chairs pushed out i push them in and they get pushed out again... and of you watch crossing over with jon edward?


Sicc OG
May 18, 2002
Yeah ....I remember waking up in the middle of the night and there was something looking at me from the foot of my bed....and i have other stories....
May 8, 2002
One time I was trying to go to sleep and i was looking at the chair in my room and i honestly thought i saw some sort of devil figure sittin there saying something to me. I was very high at the time, i just credit that to an acid flash back though. But at the time I was 100% sure that it was some sort of supernatural being. But that was about 3 years ago and i dont really remeber it.
Apr 25, 2002
LaKeRzz8 said:
you watch crossing over with jon edward?
i seen sum episodes.maybe he could tell us about sum weird stuff that happened around the house when my reletives died.particularly my uncle who died recently.

like when we were watching his funeral video in the phillipines.the t.v. turned off all by it'self like sumone touched the remote but no one was near it.same thing happened to our cousin watching that same video at her house.or when our heater came on and it was off.or how i heard sumone sit on our bed.also a dinging sound in our room like sumone hit a spoon to a bottom of a pot early in the morning.while everyone was asleep.

wierd shit but it did'nt scare us.
May 10, 2002
MOSA said:
Yeah ....I remember waking up in the middle of the night and there was something looking at me from the foot of my bed....and i have other stories....
Dam thats fucked up. I woulda jetted out the bed with the quickness.......Was it like in the middle of the night??
Apr 25, 2002
one time i was sleepin, and i woke up, and it was a summer nite so i had the window open, and i heard footsteps outside my window. i was trippin so i slept in the hallway floor.

two days later we got robbed.. so maybe it was some1 just checking the place out, but it was scary as shit.

even scarier, i was at this kegger, and after it was ending, we were sitting there, and we hear this little kid voice like 'help me.. help me.." we all ran inside trippin. weird shit.


Sicc OG
May 9, 2002
i'v seen like shadows and shit...weird shit happend and stuff...nothing really crazy or nothin but i know something waz there.

well my bro in law had something just happen to him a few weeks ago while working. its fucking scary...freaked me out when he told me. well he waz working at this old church...he works with elevators & escilators(spelling) so he waz fixing this elevator in tha basement of this church, its like 100 years old and only him and his partner were there...heres tha freaky part, when his partner went to get something from tha truck my bro in law heard a voice saying "get out" and he waz like what tha fuck? then it said it agian "get the fuck out" and of all places a ghost swares lol a church...thats what he says. at tha time he waz in tha elevator shaft so he waz like whoa and it came like a lil above him...really close, like if he stood tha platform would be to his chest so he knew nothing waz there. when his partner came back he waz like haha funny asshole and his partner waz like what did i do and said he had nothing to do with it and tha church waz todally empty when he went to tha truck. that shit iz giving me goosebumps now haha damn yo and i'm home alone :( why did i have to read this thread
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
Yeah SHEA I remember you posting about it way back on the old board. I had posted mines there as well. BIG OSO had a few good ones. But I don't really like writing it again. I feel you on folks thinking you're bullshitin'.