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May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
Nuttkase @Nuttkase I'm sorry that some christians you have encountered have made you feel a certain way bro. I'm not like that at all as far how you described however I have some met some that are.

JLMACN @JLMACN you a believer now bro?


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Nuttkase @Nuttkase I'm sorry that some christians you have encountered have made you feel a certain way bro. I'm not like that at all as far how you described however I have some met some that are.
Actually bro, no one has made me feel a certain way really. I know every person is their own person and is different than others even if they share a common belief, or even lack thereof, with others. As long as someone is a good person and means well overall is all that really matters to me regardless of whatever they believe or don't believe.

It is just a question I've always wondered about that I'd like to see some opinions on from believers (even non-Christian ones) when it comes to the whole God's will thing.
Aug 26, 2002
JLMACN @JLMACN you a believer now bro?

Yes. And have been going on 3 years.

We all grow up, and we all grow up at different rates. I went through the Atheist, non-believing phase of my life. I would say I am glad that I went through it because I believe I understand these people who are like that more. But I am not so sure they understand me, or us as believers. These kids believe God should provide a perfect world and perfect situations all the time. Much like myself years back who believed the same exact thing. I always tried to humanize God, but the fact is he is not Human. He is not a molesting priest, a rich pastor, a gay church leader, a nun, the pope, deacon, etc of any church. All those people are human and make mistakes which is one of the biggest realizations I had to come too. I don't look to any church leaders, Catholic or protestant as a model for who and how I want to live my life. I look to God.

I am Catholic. I am proud. I am blessed. I am human. I am not perfect.