Mariucci iz a fuckin weenie. sissy ass motherfucker makez horrible callz. he runz tha ball at tymez he should pass, then passez on firzt down when he should be running. then, instead of securing a win by taking shotz at tha endzone, he goez and sendz fat ass Jose Cortez in, knowing damn well he'z a terible kicker, to kick a field goal which we all had a feeling he would miss. damn man i could call better playz. 4th and inchez at tha 50, i say go for it, a simple QB sneak iz sure to get tha firzt, Mooch sayz punt it. 3rd and 7, defense expecting a run, Mooch runz it. he may be a good coach in practice seeing az how tha team iz solid and all, but he needz to make better play callz or have sumone else call tha playz for him!