I remember when I first heard that cut, I was like DAMN. This cat be gas'n. Reminded me of a lot of Bo Loc at the time
Indeed, he seems real influenced by him on that entire album. They are tight on a track together.
One thing to Guce's credit: he can lace a wide variety of beats. He could do the party songs back then like "Western Bay Players" and the gangsta shit
What I always disliked about him: He never really had a concrete style of his own, rather he rode trends...
He was the tightest with the mobb sound. Not like he broke any new ground, but he made some great albums. On If it ain't real... you begin to hear a thizz influence that just got stronger. On that album it works, because you have old and new coming together really well. He should've stayed with his old style imo.
In any case his first three are very very good