Before u try and crucify Nicky Barnes, look into why he did what he did, American Ganster (the series) only told u so much of the story, dude rolled over on his guys cuz his guys was stabbin him in the back about his wife, true a man shud choose his friends over a female, but u and ur crew have a set of written rules to obied by and when u go to jail they fuck you over, basically how can he trust sum dudes he thought was family and they can't stick 2 rules? That rule was important to him apparently ... jus like u dude fuck wit ya homeboys ex, bad karma. So before u call him a snitch think about it, besides have of u niggas on siccness would roll over on ya homeboy if y'all robbed a candy store. Nobody on siccness (I believe would be willin to take a rap for anybody)
if someone asks me if u killed someone, im gonna say "i dont know shit"
if they blame me for you killing someone im gonna say "it aint me, i dont know who it was", if i get convicted, then ill appeal and we'll see how i feel about it then.
if you start blaming me for your shit then im gonna start singing like a canary.