doubt anyone here has done them all. Takes a long time to fully finish one let along all of them. Jury will out but from what I've seen (online) looks dope.
Done two setup heists with some fucktards that die 300 times and once someone dies you start over but haven't robbed or done any other parts don't know how to
Completed 2 of the 5 heists so far...def need ppl mic'd up. Kinda weak the 1st one is a short 2 man heist tho. For only 5 we don't need a tutorial 2 man heist that's what the online missions are there for.
I'm almost done with the prison break heists. Like someone else said: I'm tired of fucking idiots making me stay over all the damn time. Find me on ps3 n rock with me. Psn = gatewon
are some of the heist only 2 players i did the fleeco bank but could only do it with 1 other person made a $169,000 was dope but fuck that circuit board to hack
Rank 12 to start a heist, rank 1 to join....this asshole was ranked 1 and kept dying, I had to get up outta there....its best with all 4 people mic'd up that can actually play the game....only done the first two so far
are some of the heist only 2 players i did the fleeco bank but could only do it with 1 other person made a $169,000 was dope but fuck that circuit board to hack
@noWetaG &
@Kon1 me and
C@Ca$h will be online doing heists anytime after 8pm if you wanna join us. We will be playing the heist mission that comes after "Prison Break".