I thought Gas was mexican for hella years
I still do
man, if i was mexican....i wouldnt even speak english on siccness.
if i was mexican......
id have children by now.
if i was mexican, you would know because i wouldnt go to mcdonalds for breakfast, i would make chorizo or somethin and youd be like ".....hmmm......"
if i was mexican i would either
a) hate puerto ricans (and definately had not lost my virginity from a puerto rican)
b) i wouldnt have an asian chick in my sig
c) id have tattoos
d) i'd do tattooing
e) i wouldnt drive a toyota, and in the very least it would be a truck
f) i'd be a "handyman"
if i was mexican i'd live in tijuana. what the fuck, im close enough as it is....
if i was mexican, id have somewhat bad tastes in beer