GOTJ 2009 tech vids

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Sep 1, 2006
He didn't. LOL Ant is often on a "fuck juggalos" type of attitude, and I don't blame him. Judging on the shows he and I go to, the juggalo's are obnoxious and disrespectful. More so in Springfield than any other city I've been to. Hell, Little Rock has an enormous juggalo crowd, but even they are respectful to "outsiders". By the time you get inside the Remmington's, you'd swear someone was taking Jugg's and prodding them like cattle.

They're fucking insane by the time the show starts.
Well both of those "cities" are full of white trash, what do you expect? You are a Tech N9nealo. What makes you better than them? Besides you having a job and showering?

Ant if you could sell 15k copies of your shit to a group of people, you would be saying "woop woop" and "family" too.
Apr 30, 2008
L.D.S. is partly right. I totally understand where he is coming from. I'm a juggalo and I'm as obnoxious as I can be at all shows. Techs fans are pussies for the most part and I get a kick out of fucking with people. I remember being scared for real when I first started going to concerts and shit. Shows these days are missing the violence and chaos that use to make them fun and I try to bring some of it back. Plus, concerts are the only place I can act that way without being arrested for inciting a riot.
Jul 1, 2004
Ant if you could sell 15k copies of your shit to a group of people, you would be saying "woop woop" and "family" too.
1st shithole... woop woop is a blood chant soon to be copied by the juggalos, so go shoot yourself. 2ndly I wouldnt market myself around them. Thats like wanting a promotion at work and you hang with the dude thats always fuckin up and late, you can't expect to be taken seriously, so go jump on a knife.

thats all.
Jul 3, 2008
1st shithole... woop woop is a blood chant soon to be copied by the juggalos, so go shoot yourself. 2ndly I wouldnt market myself around them. Thats like wanting a promotion at work and you hang with the dude thats always fuckin up and late, you can't expect to be taken seriously, so go jump on a knife.

thats all.
that promotion analogy is pretty damn witty
Jul 4, 2009
L.D.S. is partly right. I totally understand where he is coming from. I'm a juggalo and I'm as obnoxious as I can be at all shows. Techs fans are pussies for the most part and I get a kick out of fucking with people. I remember being scared for real when I first started going to concerts and shit. Shows these days are missing the violence and chaos that use to make them fun and I try to bring some of it back. Plus, concerts are the only place I can act that way without being arrested for inciting a riot.
I jump off balconys at the pearl room
Woah everyone explodes on this

Another Ima playa vid

Another Anxiety


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Well both of those "cities" are full of white trash, what do you expect? You are a Tech N9nealo. What makes you better than them? Besides you having a job and showering?

Ant if you could sell 15k copies of your shit to a group of people, you would be saying "woop woop" and "family" too.
What makes me better than them is that I am better than them.
Jul 4, 2009
Another time I debate turning sigs off too avoid seeing your chick again... She wasnt horrible upon first examination, but that shirt makes me see the shrek in her....
Thats heartless lol, I want to hear what Tech has to say about playing in front of all those Juggalos compared to how it felt in 2005 surely there is some difference by the way all them were playing
Jul 3, 2008
L.D.S. is partly right. I totally understand where he is coming from. I'm a juggalo and I'm as obnoxious as I can be at all shows. Techs fans are pussies for the most part and I get a kick out of fucking with people. I remember being scared for real when I first started going to concerts and shit. Shows these days are missing the violence and chaos that use to make them fun and I try to bring some of it back. Plus, concerts are the only place I can act that way without being arrested for inciting a riot.
ur a fuck up who dosnt belong in society
Jan 11, 2006
Tech is right there in front of all of you saying fuck you...

To those who can't accept people who choose ONE TYPE of sound, not saying we don't like lots of music i'm saying we're not going to CHANGE OUR music or OUR apperance for you in anyway. Because we've chosen our path maybe you should choose yours instead of making circles getting nowhere. Some juggalos are just fucking dicks alright, theres just something inside their mentality that says "Hey how can we fuckup today" but there are also the smart ones who learned from those people and the mistakes they've gotten them into...
Just one more thing, if you can accept a person who constantly changes his characteristics as a person every album(season,year,whatever) but cannot accept a person for choosing one direct topic/style for their own personal characteristic because that topic/style isn't a liking of your very own, in a sense you're all fakes, you like fakes, you enjoy saying you're a tech fan so you can feel somewhat better among your lives... When god looks at you with an open hand, and his face is strange/different unlike something you've ever seen before are you going to just fucking shun him away?? No, you're going to fucking accept it because thats what a fucking human does...

Besides, you're all fucking with a global family what the fuck are you seriously going to do?
Nov 14, 2002
As I was reading your post about how "smart" juggalos are, and how not every one is a fuckup, I was thinking of the song "Bugs on My Nuts" and wondering how it should be that a Tech fan would see any redeeming value in Psychopathic's shit. I understand, yeah you're a juggalo and ICP told you that Tech N9ne was cool so now you listen to him... but you're going to have a fuck hell of a time getting someone who's into Tech to all of a sudden like Psychopathic's music.

People listen to Tech N9ne because the dude can write pretty well and raps like nobody's business, if I do say so myself. ICP.... not so much.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy a lot of ICP's shit. I have a bunch of their shit... but fans aside, if you try to tell me that ICP should appeal to Tech fans, you're very wrong. And there ARE reasons not to want Juggalos at a Tech show. I've witnessed it firsthand. They act like fuckin' idiots and take away from the show by becoming a distraction. All of them.
Nov 6, 2005
Just in case you missed it, that there is a juggalo. Kinda flaws your logic. Not to mention i've noticed something. I think yall get off on the whole "People hate us thing". More times than not yall jump REAL Quick to say were talkin down on you, or speaking bad about you.... When in reality NO ONE is even takin it there. It turns into the conversations it does, because most juggalo's push the conversation in that direction. Yall preach about acceptance this and open mindedness that, but really demonstrate something entirely different. My question to you is, Why would I enjoy the company of someone who enjoys being disliked?

***EDIT*** The exceptions to that are what I believe a TRUE Juggallo is/should be. Hence being the only ones I'll even say an educated word too. Too bad theres not more of them, or non juggallo's that demonstrate it too, for that matter.
Nov 10, 2006

disgustingly good show it seems

and no he didnt diss the siccness.. he mentioned his own site in the same category as the siccness when he was talkin about ppl talkin shit .. you think he would diss his own site wtf ?
I do not really know much about all this particular topic, but it so refreshing to hear Tech N9ne make clear about a topic how he feels, not how others say he feels; that shit gets old REAL quick.