My brother is in the AF National Gaurd... and his lazy ass made it through Basic, came out with a good job.
He does Non-Destructive Inspections on Aircraft parts. He's been at his job less than a year and LITERALLY can travel to roughly any state in the U.S. and start out at 16/hr bare minimum. Some places have offered him up to 24/hr, but he would have to move out of state and start a new life elsewhere, which he cant do with a 3 year old son and baby momma. Once he gets his level 3 certification he will be making 70G+ per year, which is something I'll be striving to hit with an MA in Psychology and 10 years of schooling.
However, the NDT (Non-Destructive Technician) job involves critical math and science skills, which have never exactly been my strong point. Nevertheless, Im an intelligent guy with an analytical mind and am sure with the same amount of training/study time as my bro, I could do his job for a few years. It's like (almost) any other shop job, but you get paid better and are serving more important customers (major airlines, USAF) than most shops.
Regardless of what you do in the AF, try and get yourself a job at a base in a state you love. Good luck and smart choice, hopefully they dont boot your ass out any time soon... because well, they're doing that right now. It's hard to get accepted into the AF at this time.
My mother has also been dating a master seargent/crew chief for the past 5 years, and I can tell you this:
you actually may encounter some crab legs while in Iraq if you serve, which no other branch of the military will get
the Air Force has the highest budget out of any military branch in the US, which has earned them the name (on top of other factors) the Chair Force.
Its pure Fact that the AF is the best branch in the military. I say this is fact because they protect their people better than any other, take care of their people better than any other, and pay their people better than any other (think big picture here folks.)
so if you want to argue that point...
what would you rather have: a greater chance of dying or suffereing a lifelong injury and getting paid shit with a large risk of developing alcoholism and PTSD, or being a lazy ass and making lots of money, pretty much being ensured your safety because the marines and army are ordered to protect you?