Scotland is great. I been there on a high school trip. We stayed in Stirling, went to the Highlands where some little kid played that typical back pipe shit, and Edinburgh is just a beautiful city. Great mixture of modern architecture and older buildings. If you like Scotch, well..i doubt i'll have to get into detail about how this place is full of good whisky and beer. And it was easy as fuck to score some weed/hash. We just went to a park with a couple of folks, and it took us about 10 minutes to find someone with the hook up. It was actually a little goth kid who could've barely been 12 years old. Dude took me to a train station, i handed the little man 50 quid, he disappeared with some 50 year old dude in the corner and reappeared with a fat ass chunk of Hashish. We did take weed with us on the trip, but we smoked all of it within a couple of days, so the hash thing kinda saved the experience for us. In fact, on the last day we had so much left of it that we still could roll about 8 fat hash joints for the fairy trip. I've never been so high on a boat before.
Im actually going back there for New Years this year. Shit will be ill, son.