congratulations my bruh-goon. This is a groundbreaking gamechanger and i wish you the utmost success.

I've been meaning to post a review as I got a code to listen to the album. It's pretty tight and Heresy is definitely doing something unique that I've never seen done before ... But I haven't really had time to write a full review as I've been pretty busy walking around in the bush looking for artifacts and hotels in small towns usually have crappy internet service. I'll post something in depth soon, but for now I can let you all know that I wouldn't hesitate to purchase and support this project.
And another congratulations on your artist tag!
But yeah, I didn't talk alot about the project until it was like a couple of weeks before STOCKTONCON but I was reading what fans of bay music and rap in general were saying but I was focused on siccness fans because this is a place I do call "home" and we've all been through shit together.
So we focused on story telling, tight production (rooted in live instrumentation) and limited guest features. So, in reality, this album is a reflection of this site, the people involved (from top to bottom) and a way for me to contribute to the bay rap scene, music and tech as a whole. And I got interviews and shit lined up but I really need ya'll to stay on coop's head and let him know he needs to interview me. This is new for music period and this place is basically "home" for me and I promise it'll be one of the best interviews this site has ever had.
More news coming soon, got some surprises and some new shit on the way.
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