Novel time! Kick back and relax...
WHat yall want? Off top? Songs? Call someone on a cell phone, start recording, say "so..i hear you been talkin SHIT about me?", freestyle diss em for 5 minutes, then upload it? Audio captures from videotapes(i got one thats 35-40 min, 8 beats str8 through...its a year old too)? Live performance recordings? Cypher recordings?
Maybe my numbers is a little bit fuzzy...maybe i "dont even know the business"....but what i DO know is that paying 10$ for a CD to bump and a DVD to peep = a GOOD DEAL...and if it means no label wants to put the project out, or thinks the return isnt good enough for the price i wanna set it be it.....if i gotta buy all my own studio time, press up my own projects, start my own publishing (gracias para el articulo, Sr. D-Sane), book my own be it.
After all is said and done, my first solo CD is probably gonna be a 2CD set: 1CD will be the LP, the 2nd will be a DVD with 2+ hours of live performances, cypher footage, battles, and whatever else i can think of (ill probably even put the MP3's and VCD on the 'net myself)....Pressed up CD's is less than $1.50 in bulk...DVDs are probably less than $2....and bein the kind of person i am, ima probably sell the project for 10-12$...$5 goes to equipment, the rest for more copies...if im on a label, i want
nothing less than 50% GROSS (not net) of the sales...
Yeah, yeah...i know, i know... "i'll" this, and "if" that "what have you done so far?", ive heard it all before.....all i know is...i got a video camera (that i own), performances being planned for this summer, a new computer comin more sooner than later, friends getting new computers, studio getting more equipment, and ive recorded all of 2% of the total amount of material ive written.....
if i gotta perform for aberdeen crowds with 200-300 people for the rest of my rap be it..but keep in mind, this shit is low-budget, so at 5bux a pop, thats 1500 minus 300 rental (we own all the equip)....PLUS whatever cd's we sold that night (probably another 100-150, around $1000-1500) total, EASILY over 2000 split about 6 ways, you do the math.....
Like me if you want, hate me if you will....but realize im only 18, and i got NO PLANS of quitting or slowing down ANY TIME might not like my songs, true, but every song ive recorded ive done while 100% sober (dont take that as an excuse, but dont just brush it off either)....its gonna take somethin major for y'all not to know about me come 2003/2004...