Girl Wants To Start Caucasian Club At High School

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Apr 25, 2002
why wouldn't a white club make sense in SF?
but SF isn't that different
i've found SF to be one of the most racist cities of all time...

there's 25,000 people living in public housing or section 8 in sf(that's not including private low income housing which we have a ton of in hunters point and fillmore) and something like 70% of those people are black...

with only 20,000(or is it 40?) black people in the city, it's disgusting to see how many of those are living in poverty...

but for some reason, we're able to overcome that a lot

people think blacks in the projects will kill whites when they see them and what not...but my friends are black kids from the projects

love needs to be shown to be received...
it goes both ways

that's why black or white, most wouldnt care about the club

damn, this won't make sense to anyone but me i bet
Mar 18, 2003
Sergeant Hustle said:
The right, except in a few cities in the world, to be the majority and not stick out like a sore thumb.
I live in FRESNO, with a hispanic population consisting of 44% of the city. I do not benefit from the other "WHITE" people around me. If you are hispanic, and can speak spanish, you have an advantage over me.

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right to move into 90% of the neighborhoods in the US and have people that look like you live next door.
That does not benefit me in my life. That will not help me acheive anything, I do not care what the race or nationality of the person living next door to me is.

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right to a higher salary (peep the statistics).
Just because WHITE people make up for the wealthiest in this nation, does not me that I have the right to any higher salaries. It is up to the person, how he performs at his job, his eagerness to succeed. This is far from any right that anyone possesses.

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right to turn on the TV and have every show have people that look like you in it.
That is a right that I have? What the hell does this do for me? Especially seeing as how most of the stuff I watch has African Americans.

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right to go buy band-aids at the store and have them match your skin.
What the fuck?

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right to look at Santa Claus and have him be of your race.
If Santa Claus was created by a WHITE person, then it is of no suprise that he features a WHITE face. He cannot be of more then one skin color. This does NOT benefit me in the slightest.

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right that in all depictions of Jesus he looks like a white man.
Where is Jesus from? What skin color does he really have?

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right for your president, 90% of the senate and many other governmental facets to have people of your race dominate the decision-making.
You might have something here, although I don't remember any of them doing anything to provide me with anything that is not provided the same to every other race. What have they done specifically for the WHITE man only?

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right to not be the only one of your race in your class in many, many cases.
This does not benefit me.

Sergeant Hustle said:
The right to not be stereotyped as a criminal, gangster, thug, rapist or theif right off the bat.
If I dressed and acted like those who receive these stereotypes, I too would be victim of these circumstances. This does not benefit me.

Sergeant Hustle said:
But since you are not black or mexican or of color, you don't realize that you benefit from all of the above.
None of these are RIGHTS that I posess, and I do not benefit from most of them. I see Hispanic and African Americans progressing further than I have every single day (answer to this at the bottom). Everyone has the right to go to school, and apply for a job. Whether or not they choose to excercise this right is completely up to them. I work at a store where the Hispanic population is dominant in that area, by a wide margin. Why is it that a majority of WHITE people come in and apply? Read this word carefully, then look up the defenition, pronunciation, antonyms, synonyms, etc.

Jun 26, 2002
To me, School in general (History Courses 2 be more specific) are Caucasion Clubs AND anyone can join...

Hmmm, I mean don't other races in high skools create clubs so kids can be aware of their heritage etc? isn't that tha whole point of it? I agree wit Seargent Hustle, It is corny...

Now if U have like an Irish club or something distinct like that...then that is ok...but how U gonna just have a White Club??? lolol, super corny...
May 8, 2002
Rodzilla said:
Now if U have like an Irish club or something distinct like that...then that is ok...but how U gonna just have a White Club??? lolol, super corny...
i dont recall the article saying anything at all about a "white" club. only about a causasian club.
Jul 7, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
Well think about this. Go to your loacl grocery store and you will find assorted colored bandaids.

i'm pretty sure those color "band-aids" just came out recently., last time i used one it was the standard color.
Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
i dont recall the article saying anything at all about a "white" club. only about a causasian club.
just like the article doesn't state the propose of the club, bet you that the journlist wanted to start a fuss, wasn't thinking about other facts that should have been included.
Apr 25, 2002
I agree with it. Why not, they have brown pride, black, pride, asian pride, etc, etc, etc. but white's can't have a club? Why because the KKK has given whites a bad image? I think as long as it isn't a org. with bad intentions its OK
Mar 15, 2003
Rodzilla said:
To me, School in general (History Courses 2 be more specific) are Caucasion Clubs AND anyone can join...
The history I was taught in SF was very the point of not mentionaing much white people.

Hmmm, I mean don't other races in high skools create clubs so kids can be aware of their heritage etc? isn't that tha whole point of it? I agree wit Seargent Hustle, It is corny...
People create clubs to 1. Unify those with common characteristics 2. have something good for a college transcript
3. make friends/get a group going.

But they will usually only exist when that group is a minority. You are likely to see less "black student unions" in 90 percent black schools, and even then, the reason folks join is more to put on an application for college. In a school with a 5% black population, both the amount of black clubs and the amount of black people joining them, as well as pride in the group, will increase exponentially.

If current growth rates continue, whites will soon be a minority. Whites are already a minority in many places, in the state of CA as a whole, and many places in Cali such as SoCal.

More important, though, is the lack of stock placed in Caucasian-centered education and concepts in progressive areas. A very Hard Left-influenced recurring theme is popping up all over public education, especially in Cali where we stay. There is a very anti-white educational atmosphere, even if you are so deep in the middle of it you don't know of its existence.

Examples of California "Education" (some examples from other places, most from CA):

  • A teacher of "radical math literacy" warns against bombarding students with "oppressive procapitalist ideology". Among the practical applications of mathematics that she says should be avoided is the totaling of a groocery bill because it conveys the message that "paying for food is good and natural.
  • The author of a textbook urges skepticism for the idea that Native Americans come to this hemisphere across the Bering Land Bridge. Indian myths do not tell this story, she writes. Also, she observes, the scientific community has nothing except "logic and
    historical inference" to back it up. A group of parents and teachers in Berkeley, CA. offered this as a reason to reject a history book.
  • Statement from a planner on the San Mateo County school board: "We want to be sure that American schools show no favor to, and indeed, positively downgarde, ideas and practices associated with Caucasian thought, Western heritage, and culture, including in some instances, the Enlightnement and the legacy of Western scientific thought, which is often not practiced in other regions of the world."
  • Sandra Stotsky, a researcher at Hardvard Unviersity, reviewed teaching materials being used in several Massechusetts high schools and concluded that there was "one major theme" running through the course outlines and examinations of social studies:"the systematic denigration of America's Western heritage and ideas."

    A widely used ninth grade textbook on Greece and ancient Italy, for example, asked students to identify the "Hellenic epic that which established egotistically individuality as heroic". Almost all the questions on Greece and Rome, emphasized negative aspects, while "all items about ancient China and Africawere worded positively and drew attention to positive aspects of the cultures such as the "Chinese belief in Pacivism and relativism", while not mentionaing the African inter-tribe warfare, the thousands of slaves who died during the construction of the Great Wall as well as the extensive slavery system in China, and Shaka Zulu and other African leader's numerous and vast sales of their fellow African to slave traders, or the thousands killed by Shaka Zulu himself.

    "Students...learn about racism as an American and European phenomenon. Even though Islamic and African history are extensively covered in the curriculum...students learn only about the trans-Atlantic slave trade and nothing about the slave trade and many murders conducted by African kings or Arab slave traders for the centuries preceding and following the trans-Atlantic trade".
  • The National History Standards developed at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) released in the fall of 1994 have been called a "milestone" in the "New History" movement. "Every section in the standards ask students to take a positive view of-and completely overlook the faults of any non-European society...while being hypercritical of the one in which they live", claims Trotsky.

    Published in two volumes- one for U.S. History and one for world history and intended for schools across the nation- the standards suggest that students consider the agriculture, labor systems, and architecture of the Aztecs, while failing to mention inter-tribal warfare or human sacrifice. The gathering of wealth, presented as an admirable story when an African king, Mansa Musa, undertakes it, (mostly by way of force), is presented as a cause for outrage when it occurs in the American context.

    Although the standards for U.S. history do not mention that George Washington was the first president, or that James Madison was the father of the constitution, the Ku Klux Klan was mentioned 17 times in the document, while Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism is mentioned 19 times.

    Not mentioned in the volumes are Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Jonas Salk, Albert Einstein, or Neil Armstrong. The exquistire consciousness of race and gender that characterizes the book often omits many of the most influential people, if they are white males, and science and technology are now held in contempt.
  • Feminists now argue that science and technology represent destructive male thinking. One suggested calling Newton's Principia a "rape manual". Both feminists and environmentalists argue that because of the high value that they place on objectivity and rationality, the schools of thought are in a deep crisis.
  • (Referreing to the UCLA standards above), The world history standards do mention Edison and Einstein, and although they place a heavy emphasis on the increasing brutality it has played in warfare, and mention little the good impact science has had on our lives. And when that good impact has been mentioned, it is quickly pointed out that not everyone has benefitted equally.

    Students are asked to point out why Scientific standards have improved but have failed to eliminate poverty, hunger, and disease.
  • In the World History standards, the mention of different roles of Men and Women is classified as "gender differentiation", until the microscope ends up on Athens, the birthplace of western civilization, where it becomes "restrictions on the rights and freedoms of women".

    Just as sexism is first introduced in the context of European civilization, so is ethnocentrism- as though in previous cultures in Asia and African, people never considered their groups superior.

    Nowhere is it mentioned, that, in fact, Western cultures were the first to condemn the unjust treatment of women and minorities and encourage education on differing cultures.
  • In one of the more absurbed sections of the Standards, students are asked to read a book about Michaelangelo in order to discuss "social oppression and conflict during the Renaissance".

    In one of the more irresponsible ones, students are assigned a book about a girl who died of radiation from the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Nowhere, however, is there a mention of Peral Harbor, the Baatan death march, or the rape of Nanking. Nowhere is it mentioned the casualties that the Allies believed an invasion of Japan would cause. Someone reading the book with no knowledge of the war would have concluded that the U.S. simply dropped the atomic bomb with the simple purpose of death and destruction.
  • In the World History Standards, the cold war is presented as "a deadly competition between two equal superpowers". Nowhere is the totalitarianism and mass murder of the Soviet Union mentioned. In fact, a student could conclude from the book that the world would be just as well off had the Soviet Union won the war.

These are examples of the educational climate children are brought up in these days. This is where myself, a mixed white/mexican decided to identify fully white, in opposition to the absurd lies and nonsensical garbage I was taught in school.

Yea, it's a white America, some of the time. Punishing white kids who feel like outsiders in school because of racial disparities in our society makes about as much sense as beating up a poor kid for being poor.
Mar 18, 2003
WHITE people are not minority in California.

In the last Census, it was reported that there is 16,000,000 WHITE people living in California. 11,000,000 Hispanic/Latino, 3,700,000 Asians, and just over 2,000,000 African Americans.

The WHITE race still dominates the population of this state. Even if you were talking about WHITE people being the minority compared to the combination of every other RACE, you still might find that WHITE people account for OVER 50% of California's population. When determining a MINORITY status, you are to group together seperate RACE/NATIONALITY and-or GENDER; you don't group every other one and compare it to a single group. Im not telling you this in my opinion (although I agree with it) but this is the way it is defined.

In southern California you might have a case, and here in FRESNO the WHITE population is declining (percentage wise) to below 50%. However, WHITE people will still hold the largest percentage by race in this country for a very long time. These are just facts here.
Mar 18, 2003
By the way, the last census I was looking over, was a couple years old. If anyone has a 2003 version, show the stats, maybe things have changed, but those are the numbers I saw.
Mar 15, 2003
Fuckoff said:
forreel go show your excelent copy/paste skills somewhere else
I typed that out. I typed it out of a book, so in a way it was "pasted", but only in the sense that I didn't write it.

By the way Fuckoff this is the Gathering of Minds, not the Gathering of ADD-plagued HalfIdiots, so if you can't handle the read, go somewhere =X

And Nitro, examine current Birth Rates. White people will possibly be a minority in 10-15 years. And I doubt you read thee rest of my post, which is where the important points lied.
Sep 4, 2003
Good for her.

Yo i think that if da hoe be wantin to create a club and all for white folks more powa to her. If i was white i would be hella proud of it and most likely try and start some similar shit, i thinks i may even think dat hitler is coo and shit. You never know i am asian and mexican and i think hoe chi min is hella cool and emilio zapata. Its da same thing my niggas.

Peace: I peeles caps, dey call me the big wheeler cap peeler niggas!!!!!
Sep 13, 2002
its ok for black grouyps, mexican groups, asian groups.

but no white groups. white people are the fucking devil, and are wrong about everything.

fuck yall who cares if bitch wanna start a white club, a black girl could start a black club if she want.

and fuck holding my tounge. thats whats wrong with white people, they sit back and feel guilty for doing absolutly nothing wrong. fuck jessie jackson and anyone like him, hes the fucking racist, i hope he gets killed.