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Nov 21, 2005
About DNA...

look at the OLD images of Adam and Eve.. and the serpent....

notice.. the Ancient.. symbol.. of the two snakes.. wrapping.. around a pole.. forming
the same symbol... DNA Double Helix ....

This was trying to show us.. in the old writings.. that they created us by slicing us.. with their DNA... the gods.. aliens whatever you want to call them...

They wanted to make a slave race to serve them...

We were very dumbed down then.. we're a lot smarter now.. because we evolve...

Once man reaches end of evolution.. they can become a higher being.. with eternal life...

This was the teaching that Jesus taught.. all these old biblical and Sumerian writings.. have a lot of truth to them.. when you learn how to inperpret them..

My theory is.. from what I've read and learned...

is that the Illuminati.. know this hidden truth ..
and they know.. once we evolve like we were meant to....
we will became to powerful and reach eternal life...

what they want is to keep people dumbed down... and not let people evolve to their full potential...

and ThatGuy is right...

there is not evidence.. the only evidence.. is.. ancient writings.. that explain it all...
but you have to understand it...

All I can say.. is that they knew.. about DNA.. in the old times..
just look at the old egyptian writings...
The sumerian Writings.. that show images of our solar system....

the drawings of UFOs...

These things make you think.. then you look at them deeply..

But Like I said.. we won't know what the end will be...

if will wake up.. to the truth..and evolve.. or if we.. are enslaved...and
trapped in a dumbed down state.. by the Hidden masters....

the choice is ours.. we make our own destiny.....

but what will you chose?
Sep 25, 2005
Yup. I bought Strassmans book after reading that, still need to get around to reading it tho. Have you read or listened to anything by Terrence McKenna?
I've read true hallucinations by mckenna, also food of the gods - It's been a long time but I think out of those three ppl, strassman has the most straightforward scientific approach to the subject. Hancock can be entertaining and controversial, while basing his theories on solid facts, mckenna is brilliant but out of his damn gourd. It's fascinating though.
Nov 21, 2005
are you into raelism or somethin?
No I've never heard of raelism...

The stuff I'm talking about goes back to the Sumerian Writings.. a
and Myan.. and even the Book of Genesis...

I mean what do you think the nephilum were? They were aliens...
THey looked like humans.. but were stronger.. They weren't evil dragons with wings..
Jan 31, 2008
you should read into raelism, dude said an alien told him what the bible was really saying and what the words actually meant in hebrew, so n so. At least watch the video on the site.
May 5, 2002
Yeah Black Magick.. or negative magick...
it the magick used to call up demons..
or to send negative energy.. or curses to someone..

but I mean you have to be very careful.. if you don't know what you're doing that shit can came back to you. And some people who use black magick.. have that shit came back to them.. hard.

But yeah i've heard of that shit in Mexico.

You'd be surprised that it's big here in the U.S. also.
any magicks done with a negative intent don't "might come back to you". they DO come back to you. fucking with anyone's free will or health or finances, etc. with magick is all very bad karma.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
About DNA...

look at the OLD images of Adam and Eve.. and the serpent....

notice.. the Ancient.. symbol.. of the two snakes.. wrapping.. around a pole.. forming
the same symbol... DNA Double Helix ....

This was trying to show us.. in the old writings.. that they created us by slicing us.. with their DNA... the gods.. aliens whatever you want to call them...

Look at this cover, what is the molecule depicted?

I want you to answer this question, and then we'll continue the discussion about DNA and helices

BTW, it would be a good idea to show me the images you're talking about because all I can recall is one snake, and one snake does not make a double helix

They wanted to make a slave race to serve them...
evidence that this happened?

We were very dumbed down then.. we're a lot smarter now.. because we evolve...
evidence that this happened?

time frame?

Once man reaches end of evolution.. they can become a higher being.. with eternal life...

What is the end of evolution? For all we know there is no such thing as direction of evolution, let alone end of it....

What is eternal life? A state in which molecules do not get oxidized, DNA does not mutate, etc.? :confused::confused:

This was the teaching that Jesus taught.. all these old biblical and Sumerian writings.. have a lot of truth to them.. when you learn how to inperpret them..
that's what thousands of "prophets" have been claiming throughout the years... and they all claim their interpretation is the correct one, and everybody else is wrong

while NONE of them can offer the slightest hint of evidence that we should look at these texts as anything else than mere mythology

My theory is.. from what I've read and learned...

is that the Illuminati.. know this hidden truth ..
and they know.. once we evolve like we were meant to....
we will became to powerful and reach eternal life...

what they want is to keep people dumbed down... and not let people evolve to their full potential...
unfortunately, the strongest derogatory expression that biologists use to label some explanations as totally incorrect is "just-so story"

a "just-so story" is a well-grounded scientific theory in comparison with what you're claiming...

and ThatGuy is right...

there is not evidence.. the only evidence.. is.. ancient writings.. that explain it all...
but you have to understand it...
those are not evidence about events that happened thousands of years before they were written, they are documenting the beliefs of the people who compiled them, nothing more than that

if you want evidence, there is archaeology, geological, paleontology, anthropology, and many other branches of science that can provide information about the past, by actually looking at the geological, archaeological and fossil records

step your scientific literacy game up

All I can say.. is that they knew.. about DNA.. in the old times..
just look at the old egyptian writings...
in order to know about DNA, they must have been so technologically advanced that we should see signs of it in the archaeological record

we don't

case closed

The sumerian Writings.. that show images of our solar system....

the drawings of UFOs...

These things make you think.. then you look at them deeply..
you realize you made a mistake...

the way science works is that you look at the facts and then draw conclusions, not the opposite; and if your conclusions contradict a vast body of previous work, you double and triple check whether your conclusions were made correctly and based on solid evidence

it seems that you don't understand it

But Like I said.. we won't know what the end will be...

if will wake up.. to the truth..and evolve.. or if we.. are enslaved...and
trapped in a dumbed down state.. by the Hidden masters....

the choice is ours.. we make our own destiny.....

but what will you chose?

you can not evolve, basic bio 101, populations evolve with time, not individuals...
Mar 4, 2007
so i finally figured out that DNA is god!
wait tho what would be the cause of DNA?
"and when you consume too much salt then your dna will dehydrate and will get smaller, due to the molecules breaking down the components of the dna of god. but sometimes Allah will interfere and keep your dna intact, if you wear a scarf.":cheeky:

thanks moe..
Jan 31, 2008

from what ive read is that this actually relates to the chakra system and the kundalini energy.

the kundalini energy represents a coiled snake which lays at the root chakra, and as the person gets more and more enlightened it rises up the spine, until reaching cosmic consciousness , which would be siginified here as the wings.

thats at least what i have read


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005

from what ive read is that this actually relates to the chakra system and the kundalini energy.

the kundalini energy represents a coiled snake which lays at the root chakra, and as the person gets more and more enlightened it rises up the spine, until reaching cosmic consciousness , which would be siginified here as the wings.

thats at least what i have read
huh, that hardly resembles a DNA molecule:confused::ermm:
Jun 15, 2005
Some people should never, ever procreate.

Or, they should at least have to take a test or something.

I'm upset at the turn this thread has taken.
Apr 1, 2008
Im going to share some shit with yall.
I used to live at an abandoned naval base in Big Sur, California. It is the Point Sur Naval Facility.
The houses the soldiers families used to live in are now used to house state workers, such as CHP officers and park rangers. I was about 15-16 at the time, with my brother who is two years older.
We went into the old barracks, which is a two story building, each floor is basically the same. A long corridor, with tons of rooms on each side.
We were on the top floor, at the far end, away from the exit. We were just walking around, talking, just another normal day at the base.
We start walking back towards the exit, which is about 100ft down the hall from us. It is broad daylight. Out of fucking nowhere, in one instant, like someone pressed a power button, all this loud noise happened. There were footsteps, talking, TVs, a loud motor of some sort. It was like being in a hospital. All of those noises just started happening all at once.
We ran so god damned fast.
I dont know what the fuck that shit was all about, but we didnt go back there much. But one time, a few years later, we got really brave and took some shrooms and went in, and all the other buildings on the base too. Nothing happened though,except a good shroom trip.
Another time, me and my neighbors were sleeping on the trampoline in my backyard. It was a really dark night, no stars. I was looking around, not for anything in particular, just checkin shit out. And, over the fence, to my neighbors yard, I see an outline of a devil figure, a very large(tall and bulky) thing with horns. It also had two red eyes, and it was looking right at me. I was about 14, so I just put my head under my blanket and pillow and was scared shitless until I fell asleep. I didnt dare look back at it after I initially saw it.
The first one, in the barracks, I think that shit was genuine, two of us heard all of those noises, and we were in an old, fucked up, abandoned building.
The devil shit though, I think that was just a childs imagination, you can see whatever you want in the dark if you concentrate.
And, that video was fucking creepy. Some of the poltergeist shit was pretty lame, the one about the house in Florida after fucking with a Ouija board. That shit could all have easily been done by tricksters. I can open doors and make it seem like no one was there to open it, that is just speed and stealth. The chairs being pulled back and the door closing, strings. That is just my oppinion though, it very well could have been real. but the crap that happened to the camera, that shit was lame. Made me think it was pretty fake, all the weird distortions and shit.
EDIT: Is there a thread like this but for aliens? I want to see some insane alien videos and hear stories.
Oh, and another thing: I do NOT believe in any type of god or higher up being. But that kind of shit still happened to me. I am probably one of the biggest blasphemers around. I piss people off everyday at work denouncing god and religion.