Take the good with the bad. There are times when being married is the best and others where it's total shit. Yes... you probably feel like she's the only one for you right now and all that but wait 5 years (if that there is really no timetable on it), temptation will be at an all time high. Will you withstand it? Are you secure and is she secure? There will be times after an argument where you ask yourself "is this all worth it" "____________wants to fuck me and i really want to fuck her 2" Will you do it? Are you cool with her parents? Is she cool with yours? How does she treat her parents, does she respect them? If a women dosent respect her parents, there is almost no way she will respect you!!!!!!!!
Does she bring any kids from a previous relationship into yours, do you? Do you guys agree on parenting styles if you do plan on having kids? Have you lived with her yet?
An unhappy women is an unhappy household..Remember that..Men fight with fists women fight with words and will hurt the shit out of you...!! They know your strength's and weaknesses...And if you fuck with them in any way they do not like...They can make your life a living hell...Can she cook, does she like to keep things clean?
Any brother or sister in laws involved that dont have a job?
Yeah im rambling...But this is actually therapy..