Mr. ViNN707 said:
Arnt you a blond skate boarder? I could be wrong but I could of swore I seen posts calling you a blond white boy wanna be skate boarder.
Someone may have called me that, but I sure aint that. Yea I listen to alot of other music besides rap? so what? that don't change who I am. my homies don't care so why should any of you? most my homies prefer oldies besides rap. I like hardcore music instead. I ain't a punk, a bitch, or a pussy. I've probably put in more work then any of you have. most of you are just little whiteboy fans of woodie who think being a norteno is cool. or fat ass chaps that don't even talk to their click no more. seriously you fools may speak confidently on this little message board, but would you say shit to me face? I know I would say shit TO YOUR FACE. I've been outnumbred & beatdown plenty of times before. there isn't anything that any of you could do that would be worst then shit I've already been through. & honestly I'd fuck most of you up given the chance. 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 1...I don't give a fuck...all is fair in this game we call life. so go back to your little cubby holes, preach on about your norteno joined force (because your clicks would be desytroyed alone) fuck that faggot peace, keep worshiping your rap homo woodie (wich btw I'm sure hasn't put in a lick of work for years IF EVER) & live your sad pathetic lives. no matter what you do, you should understand that you'll never be nothing but a piece of goverment property or an ugly rock in a pretty grass feild. (& anyone who has ever banged should know that is real)...your "northern warrior" shit is bullshit. you don't bang on anyone in the northen cali because it's all nortentoz...& when you travel outside. you fools don't say your norte because the second you do, YOU GET FUCKED UP. mufuckas should know I speak the truth. rather they'll admit it or not.