Georgia State Flag issue

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Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
nefar559 said:

u'r valuing the fact that the US is the most powerful nation?
shit let the way our current governemtn is handling shit, and
you don't have to worry about US losing its grip on the world.

FUCK! the US government.
but yes we have to unite and bring about change to this country
its will only happen if we unite....FIGHT FOR JUSTICE, & LIBERITY ALWAYS!
yo, i know that the gov, fucks up a lot, but in our history we have fought over things and died for them. we didnt want hitler, we got'em, we didnt want the taliban,(sp) we got 'em, but we have fucked up a lot, but countries see our flag, and most of them say fuck the U.S. under their breath but u know this country is way better than most. all these rites we have, like the freedom of speech, if not for this rite then Spoon wouldnt even be allowed to bring this topic up, they wouldnt care what the ppl said adn they would arrest any protesters. u should be proud to live here, in any other country u can only be what the gov tells u, but in here u can be anything u want. u could be dirt poor but make it cuz we have that kind system wheres as in other countries u is fucked if u aint born rich
Jul 7, 2002
Furio said:

yo, i know that the gov, fucks up a lot, but in our history we have fought over things and died for them. we didnt want hitler, we got'em, we didnt want the taliban,(sp) we got 'em, but we have fucked up a lot, but countries see our flag, and most of them say fuck the U.S. under their breath but u know this country is way better than most. all these rites we have, like the freedom of speech, if not for this rite then Spoon wouldnt even be allowed to bring this topic up, they wouldnt care what the ppl said adn they would arrest any protesters. u should be proud to live here, in any other country u can only be what the gov tells u, but in here u can be anything u want. u could be dirt poor but make it cuz we have that kind system wheres as in other countries u is fucked if u aint born rich
you know why other countires say "fuck the US"?..........look into the history of US forgein policy.
always used to the US advanage but most of the times screws other countries, are you proud of this?

i never did say i hated this country....if our country didn't have
our basic rights, i would have been fighting for them.

a lot of ppl will argue on your last statment.

the quest for juctice&liberty or what the US is suppose to stand for has NOT stop...lot of ppl say we're the land of hipocircy, i htink
we are.

i really don't care about freedoms of other countries don't or do don't bring that argument,
i don't want to settle for what we have now..cuase things
could be i don' t live in other countries...i live in this
one, so i'll fight for this one...thats why we have our freedoms to
make our country better.
Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

yes, because your covering every republican/conservative with the same blanket
well since you would agree to it, i figured
every republican would,
was i was wrong?...don't u back u'r homies
and comform to whatever they say?

Mcleanhatch said:

ya i also know people down there in TN, KY, AL, SC, that still fly the confederate flag. and they are really good freinds with me (and im mexican dark skinned at that). so for all people it isnt really a symbol of racism and in reality for most it is a symbol of heritage. although there are some out there that will ruin it and make it look bad.
May 8, 2002
nefar559 said:
don't u back u'r homies
and comform to whatever they say?
no and you should know that i dont considering i have stated things that i disagree with on the conservative side

and while you read this look a few posts down (@nefar559) and give me your opinion on that post
Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

thats where you kill your arguement

this is the right forum and noone should talk shit but people always will, i mean im always catching heat but thats the things you gotta deal with here when your opinion is in the minority. you gotta just hope people are tolerant
@mcleanhatch my opinion matters to someone....YEAH!!:classic:
this one?
was i hurting u'r feeling?

yea u'r are in minority here, u have a couple of peeps who
agree with most of the shit you talk about.
but that can you expect?....after all this is the siccness
you think conservative and/or republicains listen to that shit?

if you wanna meet some buddies, go check out a country music forum...LMAO

(yea i know was low..but i can't help it)

also if you want i wanna argue with you one on one
throught email or a thread we just ignore anybody who post......just wanna know what makes republicans tick.
May 8, 2002
nefar559 said:
@mcleanhatch my opinion matters to someone....YEAH!!:classic: this one?
was i hurting u'r feeling?
no my feelings aint hurt its the internet i was just saying be prepared to take hits cause he is in the minority like i am

nefar559 said:
if you wanna meet some buddies, go check out a country music forum...LMAO
(yea i know was low..but i can't help it)
damn it really was a low blow because i really do listen to country music.....
Jul 7, 2002
Cutt Throat777 said:
let the flag stay..its simple r u losin sleep over it being it all ur thinkin bout ?? didnt think stop bitch like a little girl and shut up
since the current flag "suits" both sides...republicians shouldn't
touch it.

cuttthroat , follow u'r own advice.
Jul 6, 2002
Know what I think?

When I see people wearing the Confederate Navyjack, and I do everyday, several times a day...I automatically see a target. When I first moved to the WHORE of TRIXIE, I was noid 24-7 because I was bombarded by the confederate flag everywhere I went... I am from the North West, the only fools who wear that trash are skinheads and neo-nazi white power inbaciles...So you can probably guess how I reacted to the flag after moving to Robert E. Lee County, Alabama! I remember the first day of my senior year in high school.. this white kid in my art class was wearing a white tshirt that had a small navjack on the front and read "The Forefathers of Southern Heritage" and had the faces of Jeff Davis and the other confederate generals on it...I snapped and jumped back when he tried to approach me smilin all up iin my face trying to be friendly, cussin an fussin I told him to back up off me with that shirt on because I was about punch him in the mouth for even trying to speak to me....I was culture schocked, but as a Blackman N'M Airicka living in the Deep South, I associate the confederate flag with social oppression, modern day slavery, the klue klucc's & white supremeacy groups. The CSA was an illegal govt, I dont care what any teacher says! Many agrue, saying that the war wasnt about slavery, but about states rights instead...Yeah, the CSA states wanted slavery to contunue, so filthy rich white land stealing niggards could continue to stay drunk off stump juice, rape black women, and perpetuate a primal state of fear inside the hearts of people of color...
That gov in ga isnt going to get the confederate navyjack any larger than it already is on the current flag now... the people of Georgia would have to vote for the change first for it to be implemented..Georgia's bangin, but their quarter sucks! It reads "Freedom, Justice, & Moderation" on the back !!


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
i feel ya fowtwin, when i moved here i was shocked to see all these ppl with the confederate flag on their shirts and hats. and in GA you dont have to have a front license plate, so u can put a picture plate, well anyways, there r lots of ppl with the confederate flag on their plates. i was shocked, i was raised in chicago and they r really racist over there, but every1 stays in their own hood and they dont advertise that they hate each other. they got this "dixie clothing line" thing down here and no 1 wears it around here, but when i had to go to summer school i went to a different school for that, and a lot of white kids were wearin that.
May 8, 2002
Re: Know what I think?

FoeTwin said:
the only fools who wear that trash are skinheads and neo-nazi white power inbaciles...
i have a couple a shirts with the confederate flag on the back and i am mexican so theres no way in hell i am wearing it for white power.

the brandname of the shirts is called "Dixie Outfitters"
Jul 6, 2002
georgia has came a long way..

but they still have a long row to hoe inmy opinion...i dont see why whitefolx are mad at the new state flag, the first four are all confederate flags!:dead: