george zimmerman is an american hero. i pray to my lord and savior that we could have a george zimmerman in each and every neighborhood. we need to take back our communities from the violent thugs and thieves that threaten our sense of security each and everyday. we shouldn't have to lock our cars and homes at night because of a few violent and morally challenged bad apples. george zimmerman stood up bravely and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! no longer will we live in fear! he is a shining beacon of hope and courage. sure a very smallminority in the us want to say defending yourself and your community from violent drug using thugs is wrong, and we should coddle and nurture and protect these walking human failures with more rights than a god loving stand up law abiding american tax paying citizen has, but like i just said, they are only the minority . god will show us the light, and hopefully with a little more lawful vigilance from other stand up courageous citizens, we can show the minority that enough is enough, we wont deal with this anymore. thank you and god bless