George Zimmerman--Not Guilty

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Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
I been saying that all along. Zimmerman was a pussy and I can definitely believe that he probably thought his life was in serious danger. Probably the wrong type of job for you if you're a giant pussu, but still.

Side story, I worked at a grocery store as a teen. We had this armed toy cop up there, we used to joke around with him. He was in the bathroom taking a dump, so I turned off the light and acted like I walked out and I was gonna scare the hell out of him when he walked towards the door. He flips on the light and has his gun drawn with his hands shaking like a mofo. If I would've scared him as he flipped on the light, I wouldn't have been at all surprised if he shot me, and you know what, it would've been my dumbass fault for being stupid. BUT, he was also a scared man with a gun. He didn't know what the hell was going on and was obviously scared enough to draw his weapon. BTW, he was black and in his 30's, I was 16. I would hope to God people didn't turn that in to a race related issue. It would've just been a case of a dumbass kid and a scared toy cop.


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
I'm glad you brought that up. How can people celebrate Dorner, yet vilify Zimmerman. How does that not have a racial undertone? He killed people more innocent that Trayvon was no matter how you look at it.
You already know why people cheered Dorner because it was against the police... If he started killing Firefighters or paramedics, I bet it would have been different... You already knew this though..


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
earlier this year a dirty white tweeker 20 something year old looking fuck knocked on my door, in the sprinkling rain, asking me if i would be interested in buying some bullshit. he said he was with some bullshit company and he was out selling door to door, for which he had no credentials, and had what he wanted to sell me in his 5 times over sized jeans pocket. if he was indeed legit, a fucking moron hired him. i opened my door but my security door was closed and locked, like always. i brushed him off and told him im straight in a very irritated way. after about a minute, i realized that he would probably go next door to my old lady neighbor and try to pull that bullshit on her, cus in my eyes he was casing the neighborhood tryna catch some one slippin. i went out side to see if he was at her house. when i got outside, he was already at my neighbors neighbors house, another old lady, who like all of us have a security door that he cant penetrate by just talking. when i went outside and walked towards him, he gave me a wierd tweeker look and walked the opposite direction towards his tweeker homie down the street, totally skipping a couple houses. Mind you, a good salesman aint gonna skip no leads. i did light weight pursue him, to ask what the fuck he is actually selling, up untill he walked towards his dudes way. police in stockton will not respond to a call unless there is a crime in progress or some ones laying on the ground after a crime happened. he wasnt committing no crime to a naive eye, but i did profile his ass real quick. people should be looking out for their neighbors, especially the old folks, cus some police departments admit that they dont have the man power. that dont make you a bad dude, or a racist. cus in your eyes, with your logic, im a racist against white people.

cool story bro. but the point is, it dont matter what color you are. suspicious is suspicious. i profiled his ass by what he was wearing, what he was doing in the relative weather, and i took into account the neighborhood where i live and the type of incidents that happen. i profile all the time. black, mexican, white, middle eastern. its how you carry your self that matters.
The picture of the kid dead was recently leaked. He wasn't exactly looking like a thug, definitely no baggy pants.


Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
You already know why people cheered Dorner because it was against the police... If he started killing Firefighters or paramedics, I bet it would have been different... You already knew this though..
But he killed the police chiefs daughter and her fiancé. How is that not crossing the line? Were they police officers? People didn't care, people were still rooting for the guy. That's a double standard if there ever was one.
Props: Jaysav
Feb 11, 2006
I'm glad you brought that up. How can people celebrate Dorner, yet vilify Zimmerman. How does that not have a racial undertone? He killed people more innocent that Trayvon was no matter how you look at it.
breh you dont diss don like that rambo killed/exposed crooked cops on a force that racially pushed him to go mainey and start funkin.

This zimmerman dudes just a fuckin busy body security faggit with a gun who followed a next human being ,gunned him down and bust case.

Thats the only way I view this shit.


Jul 6, 2005
not sure why this is a surprise. case is from florida, home of casey anthony.

zimmerman was a puss. and only confronted the boy because he was a puss w/ a gun. no gun? woulda stayed his ass in the car.

trayvon weighed 150 pounds. if zimmerman, a grown fucking man, couldnt handle a little 150 pound child, he fucking deserved an ass whoopin.

wanna be cop ass faggot.
Apr 26, 2002
Zim supporters keep sayin the same BULLSHIT over and over. They insist TRAYVON attacced FIRST. For NO reason they think zim is tellin the truth. He has HELLA holes in his story but they STILL want to latch on to his BULLSHIT story. Say alot about u guys.
Apr 26, 2002
Would anyone here act any differently if they were being beat to death by a teen, and thought they had no fighting chance to survive without using a firearm? it sucks that Trayvon died, and no one knows if Zimmerman truly was being beat to death
EXACTLY. What I DO kno is zim told HELLA lies in his UNCONTESTED video interview. I DO kno that zim couldn't have reached for his gun if trayvon was mounted up to zims armpits. I DO kno that its hard to mount a guy and continuously bash his head into the concrete all while plugging his nose and covering his mouth unless the guy is a corpse and not AT ALL fighting bacc. What I DO kno is that zim didn't have one grass or dirt stain on the bacc of his jaccet after squirming on the WET GRASS. So I'm going to take the word of a LIAR? Lol at thinkin a guy with a gun is gonna scream for help.
Apr 26, 2002
I'm glad you brought that up. How can people celebrate Dorner, yet vilify Zimmerman. How does that not have a racial undertone? He killed people more innocent that Trayvon was no matter how you look at it.
Did dorner get acquitted? No, he's dead. Would he have been acquitted? HELL NO.
Nov 24, 2003
Good point, if a cop asked me to stop posting on the sicc I would not do that.

I guess zimmerman was innocent after all guys.

It's just funny how much anti-cop sentiment is perpetuated on this forum, and in this circumstance all of a sudden it's "listen to the authorities".

Sounds like situational reasoning based on a specific agenda.