i aint even think to do that shit lemon.. good lookin, for some reason i always wanna go thru shit to get shit within it... i never even thought that theres a load chapter feature ha
anyhoo add me if u like 2 play ranked matches execution or warzone i own in these maps clocktower, mansion, gridlock, old bones, & warmachine. top 5000 last week in warzone havn't bin playn much lately but my tag = slappinsuckas.
i learned a glitch that u have unlimited grenades or smoke grenades and one on how to bull run and shott but i aint teachin nobody cause its cheap and i would never use them either
^^ i fuckin hate it. when i played escelation there was a kid doin the grenade one he just kept throwin them it was fuckin bullshit but i still beat his ass in the game soo thats a good thing but its just frustrating as fuck
^^yeah i report everyone of them even if it is done once. i see a kid to start doin the bullrun and ill tell em to stop. he doesnt i just tell him im reportin him, idk how much good that does but its atleast trying.
Can't do invites to ranked games... we were trying to have you find the table Stogin was hosting at, it's all good though, there's always another chance to get down on that game.