Gas One has a vagina

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Mar 21, 2007
this guy said he studied drugs as a kid lololol

Does anyone still do this drug besides me?

Was the first drug i did in my entire life. not weed, not alcohol, but LSD. if you can believe it or not. i studied drugs when i was a kid in the library in school and read up on them all. LSD seemed like the most fun. seeing shit and seeing colors thats not there? im sold!

and from then has done alot for me, my mindstate, creativity, my art, coquering my fears via bad trips, and alot more.

Alot of you have never seen it, tried it, or anything.
Probably never will unless you fucks w the don gasavelli.
Mar 21, 2007
decided ill get back into telling funny and interesting stories in the detox. im gonna step the entertainment up in this bitch tenfold. hold on to your horsies. i would love your help too! the more you guys contribute, the more ill tell stories youll love to read.

lol no thanks

this nerd feel his self way too much lol like he reading the sic bed time stories as a reward lol
Mar 21, 2007
I once wrote the SF guadian a 3 page story about tripping in the city/a apology. lots of shit happened that day and i owed the entire city a apology. lol. it got printed in the magazine. ill tell that story later in this thread.

I've been searching for anything on this and nothing comes up lol somebody try n search also maybe i just suck. but yea nothing coming up this nigga full of shit.
Apr 25, 2002
So he's an admitted drug user and dealer and comes on here asking if we know of anybody that can hook him up with a room/place to stay. My question is who in their right mind would recommend to a family member or friend to let an admitted drug user and dealer rent a room from them in their residence? I don't hate any of my friends or family that much.

Anyways, these quotes that keep getting dug up are just hilarious.
May 9, 2002
Gas One been snitching on himself for hella if he really is a dealer. What kind of street drug king pin admits he "serves nocks" on a public message board??? Bruh you dumb as fuck. And this pretty much proves the point that he is a narcissistic sociopath. if you really out here serving nocks, best believe you aint tellin nobody.
Jul 12, 2002
So he's an admitted drug user and dealer and comes on here asking if we know of anybody that can hook him up with a room/place to stay. My question is who in their right mind would recommend to a family member or friend to let an admitted drug user and dealer rent a room from them in their residence? I don't hate any of my friends or family that much.

Anyways, these quotes that keep getting dug up are just hilarious.
I like how he says this in his post where he's looking for a room:

best idea would be a in-law & needs some cash monthly
So when shit gets really bad while he's living with them, they're only related to you by marriage so you won't have to feel as bad for recommending a spastic drug dealer/user to rent their room. That's very thoughtful of you Gas.
lmao at she said gas was real shy over the phone lmaoooo

i thought he was mr playa playa cassanova
Yeah she said shy didn't talk much..
super deep voice.. Sounds like like he does on the those rap youtube videos!
That's how I knew it was true. lol

No she made him really nervous.

ha ha ha haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa!
If this is true then some people have STDsi know for a fact a few hoes on here.. had some..
so yeah hope you used protection Gas! lol ha a ah haaaaaa haaaaaaa !

"alot of dudes ran the girls off. 20 percent of us guys were fucking every female that posted here. thats real. and cant no bitch that posted here lie about that cuz itll be call you out time, if it wasnt me my nigga dicked you.
"-Gas One
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Mar 21, 2007
man this guy can do it all! cool ass nigga!

totally related to the topic!
i have decided to quit drinking.
my vodka russian swag is over.

id usualy drink a pint of vodka in one sitting, usually in like 40 minutes, and just leave it at that for the day. dont know dont care how huge that is in the recreational/alcoholic drinking scale, but im done doing it, its boring now.
quitting drinking was easier than I thought. I was just bored.