lmao at this gossip queen lolololol
"i heard what happened
if anyone wants me to take this down dm me
he was at a friends house im not gonna name but i know the name of
the street is like a huge hill
somone let off 30 rounds from the top of the hill at the crowd of people down the hill
they had no intentions of getting anyone they were just being lil poop butts and letting a 30 dick off at the top of a hill
the only bullet that hit someone was jacka. in the head.
heard the story from a very credible source
those kids who let that 30 clip off better lay low cuz people want their heads...the driver shooter and anyone else possibly w em
30 shot and only he gets hit in the head. almost like it was destiny."
"i heard what happened
if anyone wants me to take this down dm me
he was at a friends house im not gonna name but i know the name of
the street is like a huge hill
somone let off 30 rounds from the top of the hill at the crowd of people down the hill
they had no intentions of getting anyone they were just being lil poop butts and letting a 30 dick off at the top of a hill
the only bullet that hit someone was jacka. in the head.
heard the story from a very credible source
those kids who let that 30 clip off better lay low cuz people want their heads...the driver shooter and anyone else possibly w em
30 shot and only he gets hit in the head. almost like it was destiny."