Gangsta ringtones

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Apr 14, 2003
Okay! Let me clear all this up! All them sick ringtones yall been hearing like Mitchy Slick and all of them, are ALL RECORDED! Aight! I have a brand new LG camera phone along wit other cool gadgets where you ALSO CAN RECORD ANY SOUND EITHER FROM SONG OR ANYTHING & it takes up to 15 seconds for you to record any sound & once youre done, you can use that sound as a ringtone! Everyone got it?? Its simple cuz its like youre recording music for your voicemail... You can get whatever phone is out there that carries all that but most of the new camera phones should include that like the new LGs & Samsungs... Not just you can record an intro of a song but anything like your own voice & then use it as a ringtone! Its so fun huh!?...
They ain't all recorded...go to upload a song choose which part and send it to your celly.