well, i did tha review in tha 1st place...and lookin bakk on it now i kant give it any higher than a 7/10 ...for tha most part flea's delivery is weak, he (often times) doesnt stay on beat, and his voice is too high pitched and kan get annoying. tha beats are good tho, and listenin ta flea when you're high is some funny shit. bein honest with myself i probly only gave that shit a 10/10 kuz that nigga representin that XIV. i like the lyriks and idea behind some of tha songs like "da door unlokked" and "he's a lik"...but i wish it was someone else on tha trakk insteada flea. i'd like ta see every flea verse on tha cd replaced with Xo (of east ko ko) verses, kuz then, for me at least, tha cd really woulda got at leas a 9/10. tha beats fit Xo's flo, and he sounds kinda like what flea would sound like if his voice had ever changed. i'm not hatin tho, kuz one thing you kant akkuse flea of is bein a fake ass studio gangsta. 6/10...and still, i dont regret buying it. if you like his voice and delivery then its a 9/10 easily