Iz Goldtoes outta that TX Skrewed n Chopped shit yet? by tha line up he got seems like he's back to being str8 Bay affiliated, Cuddie, sup wit it mayn haven't seen ya since tha Niner Raider pre-season game.
sometimes u gotta do new things homie every homie cd out cant all be killa scrap and creese my bens thats how we open doors for outta state stores i was feelin the screwed n chopped cds but only when im doin 10 in a 50 some of them tex foos are tight .
sometimes u gotta do new things homie every homie cd out cant all be killa scrap and creese my bens thats how we open doors for outta state stores i was feelin the screwed n chopped cds but only when im doin 10 in a 50 some of them tex foos are tight .
sometimes u gotta do new things homie every homie cd out cant all be killa scrap and creese my bens thats how we open doors for outta state stores i was feelin the screwed n chopped cds but only when im doin 10 in a 50 some of them tex foos are tight .
Iz Goldtoes outta that TX Skrewed n Chopped shit yet? by tha line up he got seems like he's back to being str8 Bay affiliated, Cuddie, sup wit it mayn haven't seen ya since tha Niner Raider pre-season game.