Lets put it this way imfuckin pered off my ass cuz this shit pissd me off so much, iv been bred to root for the fuckin giants. they lost thisshit when everyone knows they should won. all you faggot ass fake ass angels fans arent really angles fans your all dodgers or A's fans who have converted just to hate on some mutherfuckerswith REAL FANSAND REAL HISTORY. the Giants have a good fuckin chance tomorrow andthey better fuckin win. regardless though its fuckin Giants on mine and the bay fuckin area on mine FUCK SOME BAY AREA HATERS AND FUCK A RALLY MONKEY. How you guys gonna be on this site and give credit to the fucking rally monkey you know thats shits gay as fuck. im a giants fan in my fuckin blood this isnt fuckin funny this is sad this game had me ready to cry for the first time in like years so if you guys wanna give credit to some fuckin monkey just realize yall aint true to the team yall somebandwagon converitng ass bitches. im a real fan like most giants supporters yall just some BITCH ASS BANDWAGON HOPING DICK LICKERS/ FUCK ECKSTIEN FUCK SPIEZO FUCK GLAUS AND FUCK YOUR CUM GUZZLING MONKEY ITS GIANTS ON MINE TILL THE FUCKING GRAVE STR8 UP BITCH