^^it was cool speed metal but I think you need to change it up a bit, add a few different riffs. Vocals too. If you can hit harmonics with another guitar track (same riff, up a few notes) that would be coo, if you can add another guitar track with an overlay of melody that would be coo. Drum tracks sound flat, you could add some hi hats and some fills, maybe change up your drum sounds, they sound unnatural. Bass track would be good. You are obviously skilled at guitar, you should try branching out more and experimenting so it isn't so straight-forward. Good work though, I'm not trying to criticize, just offering my opinion. Sounds like a rough draft though, it's a good start.
When you listen to music you like, try to analyze it and break it down to it's parts, pay attention to the song structure and how often they change up the riffs, and the separate track layers that go into the recording.