alright, im back up on here askin for sum help, with sampling...when i upload the file it dont let me like pick out what part i want it plays the whole song, anybody know what im talkin gabout??
^^^im not too sure but i need help looping so my little beat thing plays over and over again when i record instead of playing only one time. and i dont know how to sample stuff either i tried it but it just reapeats itself every time around and ends up being some kind of weird ass noise once you leave it playing for a while
yeah, that's pretty much how everyone does it. chop the sample in some other program, and then load it into FL. i use audacity if i'm sampling from a CD. if i'm adding live instruments or something from another board, i have recorder that will dump the tracks as a wav.
yea but u can chop up samples in FL easly as fuck 2, load the sample onto the pattern, make shure its in wav. form, then click on the sample so that the "channel settings" thing pops up, then on the top left corner of the "channel settings" click on the battery lookin icon, click on "sample" then click on "edit" then a lil sampling choppin thing comes up, easy to use, u can figure out how to use it on ur own within minutes