Let's start with an undeniable fact: The United States of America has set more people free than any other country in the history of mankind.
Hmm. Another undeniable fact – the United States of America has helped prop up much more dictatorships and brutal regimes than it has overthrowed and has
subjected more people to poverty and misery than it has ”freed”. Funny isn’t it?
Come on now. It is extremely naive to believe that USA intervenes because of altruistic reasons, to bring ”freedom and democracy” to those suffering under ruthless dictatorships, when history has already shown otherwise. If in its best interests, USA supports brutal, oppressive regimes.
To act in a way which is ”ethically correct” i.e. freeing or helping people is not as such the principle of US foreign policy. If ”justice” happens to coincide with the international interests of USA (or is all the same), the US government has no difficulty referring to reasons of high morality. The US exercises selfish foreign policy, though that doesn’t mean that
no good has been accomplished along the way.
L Mac-a-docious already summed it up.
So fuck all this sanctamonious BS patting ourselves on the back for being this great humanitarian country, we fuck over way more than we help.
A few quick comments on some of the statements, more later.
§ The state of Israel and five and a half million Jews would be crushed by its enemies if not for American aid.
This is a gross misrepresentation of the current situation – In fact, I believe no quarter is presently capable of ”crushing Israel”. In reality, it can be argued that unconditional American aid and support to Israel is the one major factor deterring the so-called ”peace process”. American aid allows Israel to do practically whatever it wishes and continue with its genocidal policies.
§ America is sending $3 billion a year to Africa to combat the AIDS epidemic. By comparison Canada is sending $270 million, France a paltry $60 million.
Yes, and while we’re at it, let’s not forget about foreign aid in general. US foreign aid is way as low as 0.5% of GNP, which is fucking paltry compared to some other nations. In reality, USA and other industrialized countries simply prolong the structure of world trade that enriches the rich and impoverishes the poor.
I suggest everyone take a look at this site, a very comprehensive analysis of foreign aid by industrialized countries: